28 Sep
30 Sep


Welcome to the associate professor lectures at the NJ Faculty 2020

associate professorship lectures |

From 28 to 30 September, associate professor lectures will be held at the Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. They are held as Zoom Lectures. Welcome to listen.

The Zoom link is the same for all lectures and for all days


28 September

9.00 Barbara Locke Grandér in the subject Biology with specialisation in Ecology.

The Buzz About Bees and Mites.

The lecture is in English.


10.30 Alistair Auffret in the subject Biology with specialisation in Ecology.

Using historical information to understand biodiversity responses to global change.

The lecture is in English.


29 September

9.00 Maria Westerholm in the subject Biology with specialisation in Microbiology.

The power of closeness – the importance of microbial cooperation for the production of biogas

The lecture is in English.


10.30 Johnny de Jong in the subject Biology with specialisation in Conservation Biology.

Konnektivitet och habitatkvalitet ur ett fladdermusperspektiv.

The lecture is in Swedish.


13.00 Anna Berlin in the subject Biology with specialisation in Plant Pathology.

Understanding plant diseases across scales – the role of epidemiology.

The lecture is in English.


30 September

10.30 Foon Yin Lai in the subject Environmental Assessment with specialisation in Environmental Chemistry.

Environmental assessment of emerging contaminants towards safer wastewater reuse.

The lecture is in English.


13.00 Anders Hafrén in the subject Biology.

Discovering plant tolerance mechanisms for crop protection through virus diversity.

The lecture is in English.


14.30 German Eugenio Martinez Arias in the subject Biology.

Understanding the relationship between stress response and epigenetic regulation in plants: the long and winding road.

The lecture is in English.


Award ceremony

After the last lecture, an award ceremony will be held with Lecturer of the Year, Associate Professor Charles Melnyk.


Time: 2020-09-28 09:00 - 2020-09-30 16:15
City: Ultuna
Additional info:


Eva Enström
Adminstrative Officer
Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, SLU
eva.enstrom@slu.se, +46 18-67 12 02

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