26 Mar

Room V, Ulls Hus and Zoom, Uppsala

Metabolomics and flux analysis by mass spectrometry : Investigations of factors associated with insulin secretion and prostate cancer risk

dissertations |

Johnny Östman defends his thesis "Metabolomics and flux analysis by mass spectrometry: Investigations of factors associated with insulin secretion and prostate cancer risk" on 26 March 2021

You are welcome to follow the thesis defense on-line! Here is the zoom link


Passcode: 679795


Link to thesis: https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/22691/
Author / Respondent: MSc Johnny Östman
External reviewer / Opponent: Matej Oresic, Professor, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden
Time: 2021-03-26 09:00
City: Uppsala
Location: Room V, Ulls Hus and Zoom
Organiser: Department of Molecular Sciences
Additional info:

