Milk is being poured into a glass. Photo.
2 Feb


How can we increase the lifespan of dairy cows?

seminars, workshops |

Welcome to a webbinar on dairy production where replacement strategies and effects on both profitability and the environmental footprint of dairy production will be discussed.

From the webinar

  • Summary of the webbinar (in Swedish)
    • Äldre friska #kor har större #mjölk-produktion än yngre och därför är det lönsamt att satsa på en lägre rekryteringsgrad i besättningen.
  • The presentation Sustainable strategies for dairy cow replacements by Professor Albert de Vries, University of Florida
    • "A greater productive life for dairy cows is good for the sustainability and profitability, and we need to talk about profitability to bring about a change among the farmers." //Albert De Vries, University of Florida.
  • The presentation Livslängd utifrån avelsperspektivet – några reflektioner by Freddy Fikse, Växa (in Swedish)
    • Jag vill avliva en myt som lyder "rekryteringskvigans högre genetiska nivå motiverar hög rekryteringsgrad" – fel! Den högre genetiska nivån hos kvigorna kompenserar inte för en låg rekryteringsnivå. //Freddy Fikse, Växa.
  • The presentation Hur ser mejeriet på mjölkkornas livslängd? by Åse Arnbratt, Arla foods (in Swedish)
    • Det är viktigt att hitta vägar för varje gård, eftersom varje gård har sina unika förutsättningar för att nå en ökad livslängd på korna. // Åsa Arnbratt, Arla Foods


Sustainable strategies for dairy cow replacements

13.00-14.00 (in English)
Professor Albert de Vries, University of Florida

How and when cows are replaced with heifers has major effects on both profitability and the environmental footprint of dairy production. In this presentation, Alberts De Vries will focus on the trade-off between productive lifespan, genetic improvement, environmental footprint, and profitability. He will also present recent scientific work on ranking cows for replacement so that better informed replacement decisions can be made on the farm and also share early results of practical implementation of these rankings on farm. In the second part of his presentation he will discuss how increased reproductive efficiency may affect culling and replacement rates. 

Lifespan and breeding of dairy cows

14.05-15.00 (in Swedish)

14.05- 14.20
Genom målmedvetet arbete kan man förlänga livslängden hos mjölkkor –några exempel
Annica Hansson, Växa & SLU

14.20 – 14.30
Livslängd utifrån avelsperspektivet – några reflektioner
Freddy Fikse, Växa

14.30 - 14.40
Hur ser mejeriet på mjölkkornas livslängd?
Åse Arnbratt, Arla foods

14.40- 15.00
Frågor från publiken och fritt samtal mellan deltagarna i panelen.


Time: 2022-02-02 13:00 - 15:00
City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU Future Food and the research programme Sustainable diets from sustainable production systems - Focus milk
Last signup date: 2 February 2022
Additional info:

In 2018, the Swedish farmers’ foundation for agricultural research (SLF), launched a call together with Arla Foods under the name “Sustainable diets from sustainable food chains”. The call had a broad focus on the concept of sustainability with special reference to dairy production and products.

Five projects from tree different research institutions, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Chalmers University of Technology and Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) was awarded grants. The projects started in 2019 and will continue to 2022.

More about the programme Sustainable diets from sustainable production systems - Focus milk