26 Apr
27 Apr

Lennart Kennes sal, BioCentrum, Ultuna, Uppsala/Zoom

Seminar: Future water research at SLU – a seminar on perspectives from younger scholars

seminars, workshops |

Are you interested in knowing more about the exciting water research going on at SLU and would like contribute to SLU's future research on water? Welcome to a seminar where younger researchers at SLU talk about their research on water, from ecology and water chemistry to sustainable use and management, across all different types of water.

During two half days at the end of April 2022, we plan for the second water seminar at SLU where we invite both you who want to present your research, and everyone who wants to listen, broaden their perspectives and create new contacts. NOTE! Although preferentially younger researchers are invited to give presentations, we hope that as many as possible will join in, regardless of experience and background.

We hope that you all want to be involved and contribute to broaden our knowledge transfer and increase our cooperation on water at SLU.

When: 26 April 13-18 and 27 April 9-12.30, 2022. In the evening after the seminar on 26/4, we offer a poster session including mingling and networking, with snacks.

Where: At Ultuna with the possibility to join in via video. There is funding to cover traveling and housing for long-distance presenters.

Why: SLU has strong and broad expertise on water, but we are spread out across different faculties, departments and campuses. This seminar gives us the opportunity to take part in the work and focus of younger researchers, an opportunity to meet, get involved, interact and learn more about current and future research on water at SLU as a whole. We hope that the seminar can stimulate future collaborations on water at SLU.


The last date to register for the seminar was April 15.


Time: 2022-04-26 13:00 - 2022-04-27 12:30
City: Uppsala/Zoom
Location: Lennart Kennes sal, BioCentrum, Ultuna
Organiser: Örjan Östman and the SLU Water Forum coordination team
Last signup date: 15 April 2022


Preliminary schedule for Future water research at SLU – a seminar on perspectives from younger scholars 26-27 April 2022

Lennart Kennes sal, BioCentrum, Ultuna

Tue 26 April

13.00-13.10   Welcome and introduction. Örjan Östman & Jens Olsson

13.10-13.30   Malin Olofsson: Future abundance and nitrogen fixation activity of filamentous cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea

13.30-13.50   Golnaz Ezzati: Long term monitoring of nutrient dynamics in Swedish agricultural catchments in relation to best management practices

13.50-14.10   Daniel Cerveny: Effect of water temperature on accumulation and biotransformation of neuroactive pharmaceuticals in freshwater fish

14.10-14.40   Coffee and tea break

14.40-15.00   Erin McCallum: Impacts of wastewater in freshwaters – an ecological trap for wildlife?

15.00-15.20   Lukas Hallberg: Two-stage ditches - an efficient measure for combating nutrient losses in agricultural catchments?

15.20-15.40   Sara Sandström: Variability in fluvial suspended sediment phosphorus fractions among small agricultural streams

15.40-16.00   Leg stretcher and snacks

16.00-16.20   Max Lindmark (Online): Using geostatistical GLMMs to evaluate changes in diet, condition and distribution of fishes in the Baltic Sea

16.20-16.50   Sophie Carler, Formas: Information on the national program for seas and water.

17.00-   Mingle, food, beverages and entertainment

Wed 27 April

09.00-09.20   Maria Blomberg: Flow measurements and sampling methods of agricultural water in some of SLUs fields

09.20-09.40   Fernando Puente Sanchez: Intra-species dynamics of aquatic microbial species

09.40-10.00   Maliheh Mehrshad (Online): Genome-resolved understanding of complex host-parasite interactions in freshwater microbes

10.00-10.30   Coffee and tea break

10.30-10.50   Lisbet Norberg: Field trials for studying mitigation of nutrient leaching from agricultural land

10.50-11.10   Lenka Kuglerová: Sustainable management of riparian forests for healthy freshwaters

11.10-11.30   Emma Lannergård Phosphorus transport in the landscape, - How can we use high frequency monitoring to better understand catchment processes?

11.30-11.50   Summary and farewell


Örjan Östman, Senior Lecturer, Director of Studies - basic education
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU
orjan.ostman@slu.se, +46 10 478 41 53