Birches in a winter landscape
25 Aug


Report launch: 10 years of gender equality on the agenda

seminars, workshops |

It is now just over ten years since the national gender equality strategy for the forest sector and its background report on the working life of forest-educated men and women was launched.

This has contributed to placing gender equality higher up on the forest agenda and initiated a number of initiatives at both sector and organizational level. But what has really happened and how has it affected the forest labor market?

During this lunch seminar, the main authors Maria and Elias present the results from this follow-up survey. In connection with the seminar, the report 10 years of gender equality on the agenda is also launched digitally within the report series of the Faculty of Forest Sciences. After the presentation, the seminar opens up for questions and discussions on the related themes.

The survey and the report were carried out together with Skogforsk and with financial support from the regional forest programs of Gävleborg, Örebro, Östergötland, Jämtland-Härjedalen, Västernorrland and Västerbotten.


This seminar is in Swedish. Please visit the Swedish version of this page for information on how to participate.


Time: 2022-08-25 12:00 - 12:45
City: Zoom
Organiser: SLU
Last signup date: 24 August 2022


 Elias Andersson

Department of Forest resource management
Landscape studies
Phone: +46 90 786 83 58