7 Dec

P-O Bäckströms sal, Umeå

Estimation of change in forest variables using synthetic aperture radar

dissertations |

Ivan Huuva defends his thesis "Estimation of change in forest variables using synthetic aperture radar" on December 7 2023.

All interested are welcome to attend!

To attend online:


Code: 526532


Link to thesis: https://publications.slu.se/?file=publ/show&id=126586
Author / Respondent: Ivan Huuva Ivan Huuva
External reviewer / Opponent: Professor Iain Woodhouse, University of Edinburgh, College of Science and Engineering, United Kingdom
Time: 2023-12-07 09:00
City: Umeå
Location: P-O Bäckströms sal
Organiser: Department of forest resource management
