25 May

Biosfären, MVM house, Ultuna, Uppsala + Zoom

How to use agricultural support data from the Swedish Board of Agriculture

seminars, workshops |
Map over large part of Sweden. Red areas mainly in the south.

Seminar about the block database of Swedish Board of Agriculture and other agricultural support data that can be used in research and environmental assessment.

The Swedish Board of Agriculture has data generated in connection with management of agricultural support programs. These include annual farm block data, parcel maps, crop lists, environmental support for e.g. buffer zones and reduced nitrogen leaching, support for ecological production and support for animal health. These data give a picture of how agriculture is managed in Sweden.

To enhance the usage of these data we have made a guide to especially the block and parcel data. We have also held a survey among SLU employees about which of these data they use or reasons why the data have not been used. The work has been performed as a development project financed by the Agricultural Landscapes Environmental Monitoring and Assessment programme.

At this seminar we will present the results from the project. A representative from the Swedish Board of Agriculture will also give a presentation.


Time: 2023-05-25 13:00 - 15:00
City: Uppsala + Zoom
Location: Biosfären, MVM house, Ultuna
Additional info:

Please contact Elin Widén Nilsson at the Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment if you want more information or a Zoom link to the seminar (elin.widen@slu.se). You do not need to sign up if you attend the seminar in Biosfären.


  • Welcome
  • Presentation from the Swedish Board of Agriculture 
  • Introduction to the GIS support and the data from the Swedish Board of Agriculture available at SLU's GIS server
  • Presentation of the guide
  • Presentation of the results from the survey
  • Discussions and questions (Practical questions; Previous experiences on using the data; Other ideas on how to use the data)

The seminar will be given in English.
