CV page

Daniel Lussetti

Daniel Lussetti
Sustainable forest management in tropical rain forest, South East Asia


We analyse 18 years of post-logging data from Sabah, Borneo to evaluate the impact of two selective logging methods – Supervised logging (SL) including pre-aligned skid trails and directional felling, and conventional logging (CL), where trees are felled before the crawler tractor is called in for skidding and fellers have no formal training in felling techniques. Furthermore, the logging treatments are either combined with- (CC) or without (NCC) pre-harvest climber cutting.

Selected publications

Lussetti. D, Axelsson. E.P, Ilstedt. U, Falck. J, Karlsson. A, 2016. Supervised loggging and climber cutting imporves stand development: 18 years of post-logging data in a tropical rain forest in Borneo. Forest Ecology and Management, 381 (2016), pp 335-346


Non employee at the Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Department of Forest Ecology and Management, joint staff
Telephone: +46907868559
Postal address:
Skogens ekologi och skötsel
901 83 Umeå
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd 17, Umeå