CV page

Mahmoud Suliman

Mahmoud Suliman
I am a doctoral student, studying the effects of climate change and management practices on the reliability of agricultural yield. In particular, I am interested in how crop diversification, landscape heterogeneity, and hydro-climatic controls affect the ability of agricultural systems to reliably ensure year-to-year crop and macronutrient production. My approach is data-driven, and focuses on the applications of data analytics, geospatial (GIS) analysis, and statistical models.


PhD Student, Department of Crop Production Ecology

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ResearcherID: HNC-3666-2023 | ORCID: 0000-0001-6663-2615


Research Interests

  • Numerical and data-based modeling of hydro-climatic and land cover/land use impacts on water resources, agriculture, food security, ecosystems and society
  • Crop production stability, reliability and resilience
  • Yield variability under climate change and edaphic modifications
  • Advanced data analytics and machine learning applications in ecology and hydrology



Graduate education: M.Sc. Hydrology Hydrogeology and Water Resources, Stockholm University, 2020-2022, Stockholm, Sweden.

Undergraduate education: B.E. Civil Engineering (Honors), Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2011-2017, Khartoum, Sudan.


Previous Positions 

Research Assistant, 2022, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University

Student Ambassador, 2021-2022, Stockholm University


Volunteer Work

Junior Rapporteur (World Water Week), 2021, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

Research/Public Engagement Director, 2017-2020, NOWSES Sudan


Research Output

Suliman, M., Scaini, A., Manzoni, S., Vico, G., Soil properties modulate actual evapotranspiration and precipitation impacts on crop yields in the USA, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 949, 2024, 175172, ISSN 0048-9697,

Suliman, M., (2022). Impacts of hydroclimatic and soil conditions on crop yields and calorie provision in the USA, 1990-2019 (Master's thesis). Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

Suliman, M., & Winterdahl, M. (2022). Investigating the impact of urban heat islands on long-term climatic observations in Sweden. European Geosciences Union’s General Assembly 2021, online, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3249,, 2022.   


Doctoral Student at the Department of Crop Production Ecology; Plant Ecology
Telephone: +46762043048
Postal address:
Inst för växtproduktionsekologi, Box 7043
750 07 UPPSALA
Visiting address: Ulls väg 16, Uppsala