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Markus Schmid

Markus Schmid
A fundamental difference between the development of plants and most animals is that the former maintains the potential to form new organs throughout their life. This capacity not only endows plants with the ability for continued growth, but also provides them with the means to rapidly and flexibly adjust to changes in their environment, resulting in a high degree of phenotypic plasticity. The aim of our research is to understand the molecular mechanisms that controls plant development, in particular the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth, in response to both endogenous and environmental stimuli.


  • since 2023: Professor, SLU Uppsala, Sweden
  • 2015-2023: Professor, Umeå University, Sweden
  • 2018-2021: visiting PI, BAICTBMD, Beijing Forestry University, PR China
  • 2002-2015: Group Leader, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany
  • 2000-2002: Research Fellow, The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA, USA
  • 1999-2000: Research Associate, Dept. of Botany, Technical University Munich, Germany
  • 1999: Dr. rer. nat., Plant Biology, Technical University Munich, Germany
  • 1996: Diploma, Botany, Technical University Munich, Germany


Selected publications

PICLN modulates alternative splicing and light/temperature responses in plants. Mateos, J. L, Sanchez, S. E, Legris, M., Esteve-Bruna, D., Torchio, J. C, Petrillo, E., Goretti, D., Blanco-Touriñán, N., Seymour, D. K, Schmid, M., Weigel, D., Alabadí, D., & Yanovsky, M. J Plant Physiology,kiac527.

FT Modulates Genome-Wide DNA-Binding of the bZIP Transcription Factor FD. Collani, S., Neumann, M., Yant, L., & Schmid, M. Plant Physiology, 180(1): 367–380.

PORCUPINE regulates development in response to temperature through alternative splicing. Capovilla, G., Delhomme, N., Collani, S., Shutava, I., Bezrukov, I., Symeonidi, E., de Francisco Amorim, M., Laubinger, S., & Schmid, M. Nature Plants, 4(8): 534–539.

Regulation of flowering by trehalose-6-phosphate signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. Wahl, V., Ponnu, J., Schlereth, A., Arrivault, S., Langenecker, T., Franke, A., Feil, R., Lunn, J. E., Stitt, M., & Schmid, M. Science (New York, N.Y.), 339(6120): 704–707.

Temperature-dependent regulation of flowering by antagonistic FLM variants. Posé, D., Verhage, L., Ott, F., Yant, L., Mathieu, J., Angenent, G. C., Immink, R. G. H., & Schmid, M. Nature, 503(7476): 414–417.

Export of FT protein from phloem companion cells is sufficient for floral induction in Arabidopsis. Mathieu, J., Warthmann, N., Küttner, F., & Schmid, M. Current biology: CB, 17(12): 1055–1060.


Professor at the Department of Plant Biology; Mol. cellbiologi