SLU news

Agroforestry - an act to fight climate change

Published: 22 April 2020
Agroforestry with pine and cotton

Agroforestry is a method where trees are planted among crops and animals and it is seen as a sustainable nature-based solution which can contribute to several of UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

22nd of April, is the official Earth day, a day to give an extra thought to how we can contribute to stop climate change. SLU has several research projects running towards sustainable development, among them agroforestry. Ulrik Ilstedt, researcher at SLU, answered a few questions about agroforestry and how it can help improve the climate both locally and globally. 

- Agroforestry can contribute to many of the Sustainable Development Goals, for example to combat poverty and hunger (# 1 and # 2), better access to water (# 6), to help us combat and manage climate change better (# 13) and to contribute to higher biodiversity (#15). Agroforestry can also contribute to give women more time and opportunity to develop and take control of resources, says Ulrik.

Read the blog post here.


Agroforestry provides a various of ecosystem services which are beneficial both locally and globally in the fight against climate change. This way of farming can limit the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by binding carbon and nitrogen in vegetation and soil. At the same time, the cultivation system contributes to positive effects in the local area, as trees shade, bind soil and increase resistance to pests, drought and floods, as well as providing access to firewood and a variety of nutritious food.
