SLU news

SLU Youth Institute emphasise the Baltic Sea

Published: 12 December 2023
Girl and atlantic cod

SLU Youth Institute hosted a virtual tour together with the Baltic Sea Science Center, deep diving in some of the challenges the Baltic Sea faces. The high school-students learned more about environmental toxins, overfishing and eutrophication, challenges that are also important to face in a global context. The event was co-organised with Wageningen Youth Institute in the Netherlands and Minnesota Youth Institute in US.

During the virtual tour the students discovered the benefits and challenges of the blue food through a deep dive in the Baltic Sea, an ocean that is unique in many ways. They also met the researchers Helena Aronsson, expert at eutrophication and Elin Dahlgren, expert at environmental toxins, who guided the participants on a tour among the special habitats of the Baltic Sea.

The students were curious to learn more about the challenges of the Baltic Sea, asking questions about how to clean the water from eutrophication, and how to deal with environmental toxins. Is it really safe to eat fish from the Baltic Sea? And do algaes also contain environmental toxins? Elin Dahlgren participated live and answered the students.

After the virtual tour the participants had the chance to meet other students and discuss both the challenges they just listen to but also their future essays. With a mix of alumni, students and experts in each group, the discussions were fruitful in many ways. 


Watch the virtual tour from Baltic Sea Science Center here 


For more information please contact one of the coordinators on e-mail:

Anna-Klara Lindeborg (Uppsala region):
Telephone: +46-(0)730-88 64 47

Kristina Karlsson Green (Skåne region): 
Telephone: +46-(0)40-41 53 02

Elisabeth Nyström (Umeå Region):
Telephone: +46(0)90-786 82 38