SLU news

A summary of SLU Forest Damage Centre’s first two years

Published: 28 April 2023
picture of the annual report SLU Skogsskadecentrum

In 2021, SLU got the assignment to start-up the SLU Forest Damage Centre. Now there is an annual report available that summarizes the centre’s work during the last two years as well as vision and goals and what lies ahead.

The annual report is written in English, but the preface and summary are also available in Swedish.

– Now that several pilot projects are finished, the first results will be summarized and reported. More outreach activities such as seminars and excursions are waiting, and we will continue to strengthen our existing collaborations and to develop new ones. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have ideas or want to take part in our activities, says Jonas Rönnberg, Director of the SLU Forest Damage Centre.

Annual report SLU Forest Damage Centre 2021-2022 - A summary of the centre’s first two years (PDF)


Katja Fedrowitz

Admin. coordinator SLU Forest Damage Centre
Coordinator SLU Plant Protection Network

Telefon: +46 018 67 21 96