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Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU)

The Centre for Reproductive Biology in Uppsala (CRU) is a joint body between the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Uppsala University. CRU is a network of scientists working in the field of reproductive biology. 

CRU's main function is to increase the knowledge on reproduction in animals and humans by applying a comprehensive view on reproductive biology. To arrange conferences, seminars, workshops and postgraduate training activities are key components in this work, as is seed funding of collaborative projects. 

CRU 25 years!

It is 25 years since CRU was founded! On 17 October, you are welcome to celebrate the 25th-year anniversary at a networking meeting.

Text: "Centre for reproductive biology in Uppsala celebrates 25 years"

CRU seed money

To strengthen Uppsala’s research network within reproductive biology, CRU has offered seed money for reproductive biology research. Find out which projects were funded 2022.

Different money symbols. Illustration.

Winners of the best article

Winners of the prize for the best scientific peer-reviewed article published by a CRU member within reproductive biology 2021-2022.

Prize ribbon. Illustration.
CRU at Facebook

Up-coming activities

Published: 30 January 2024 - Page editor: cru@slu.se