Hi Sbatie Lama!

Last changed: 11 December 2023
Woman with long dark hair kneeling in field of wheat

Sbatie Lama is a PhD student in the project:  Climate-resistant wheat: breeding of robust and high-quality wheat for an increased food supply 

What are you doing in the project? 

I am studying how different wheat breeding lines interact with the different climates in terms of yield and bread-making quality. I have screened hundreds of breeding lines using a number of analytical techniques such as HPLC, LC-MS/MS, and Rheology testing and baking.  

Why is the project important? 

There is an urgent need to breed wheat varieties adapted to the climate change. In order to improve the climate adaptability of wheat from the perspective of yield and bread-making quality we need to develop a set of screening tools, to facilitate selection of the breeding lines. Our project aims to do that.  

What did you do before you started your PhD? 

I have a Master in Agroecology from SLU, Alnarp. After that, I worked at Nordgen and Lund University as a lab assistant for a few years before I started my PhD at SLU. 

Tell about one of your best moment or experience during your PhD studies thus far!  

I have a number of best moments during this PhD! One of them is when we completed chromatographic screening of our samples and got our first data set. Another one is the publication of our very first manuscript from this project.  

The interview was conducted in 2023.

Sbatie Lama had her PhD defence 2023-04-28.



Salla Marttila, Education Coordinator
Department of Plant Protection Biology, SLU
salla.marttila@slu.se, 040-41 55 22