SCNI publications in English

Last changed: 14 December 2023

Nature Interpretation in the Nordic Countries

Nature Interpretation in the Nordic Countries

Nature interpretation in the Nordic countries is a book about communication between nature interpreters and their participants in our landscapes. It´s about first hand experiences of nature and the importance of to paying attention to what is inspiring and fascinating, especially valuable or threatened. And about possibilities to reflect over the relation between human and nature.

Educators, researchers and interpreters contribute with articles about nature interpretation it theory and practice. The book is written for everyone who is interested in how interpretation can contribute to a sustainable future, nature conservation and areas in society like public health, democracy and the right for all citizens to visit and experience nature. The purpose is to inspire nature interpreters to offer more and even better experiences and learning in the Nordic nature and cultural landscapes.

Download the book for free as a pdf at the website for Nordic cooperation. 


Friluftsliv explored

Frontpage at Friluftsliv exploredThis book is about an environmental and outdoor teaching approach for knowledge, emotions and quality of life. SCNI has written a chapter in it: Nature interpretation – about revealing the hidden stories of the landscape

Friluftsliv explored doesn’t only include nature knowledge, techniques in the outdoors and outdoor pedagogics but also covers ecology, human ecology, geography, environmental and societal questions, history, health, biology, craft and lots of practical activities -both for urban and rural friluftsliv. In this translation to English of the revised fifth edition of the Swedish book there are many activities and the text is suitable for the modern day.

Friluftsliv embraces the feeling around the campfire, paddling along winding rivers and walking towards the distant blue mountains. But, it is also to whittle a stick, to remember your waterproofs and to find your way home.

Knowledge emerges when you combine imagination with facts and the glint in your eyes, using all our outdoor environments: forests, water, the coast, mountains and the nature close at hand.

Emotion is to swim in crystal clear water far out in the archipelago and to see the clouds gliding across the sky. But also, to be able to present other sides of yourself, to be fascinated by your own body, the struggling ant and the sight of frost on trees.

Quality of life is to experience friluftsliv – as it happens!

Download the book here.


Landscape Dialogues - a guide

Landscape Dialogues has been created for people interested Landscape Dialoguesin communication of changes to landscape and the relationship between people and nature; in developing planning formats, consultation and highlighting all of the landscape’s values. Regardless of whether they are from universities, non-profit organisations or municipalities, nature interpreters have traditionally assumed the role of experts who lecture about and present the natural values of an area to an audience.

However, nature interpreters can also act as discussion leaders. They can help participants catch sight of the landscape and its values of all dimensions and, not least, to convey a dialogue of how the landscape can be managed in a sustainable way for the future. This guide explains why more nature interpreters need to do this, and what the procedures can involve. 

Nature Interpretation for Children and Young People in the Nordic Countries

This TEMA-Nord report (2013) is a result of a one-year Nordic Nature Interpretation for Children and Young People in the Nordic Countriesproject in which the SNCI participated. The primary goal of the project was to collect, develop and mediate a series of good examples of how nature interpretation, aimed at children and young people, can encourage children's understanding of nature, and inspire them to involve themselves with questions on humans nature and thus help contribute to sustainable development. 

Among other things, this report discusses how nature interpreters can encourage children and young people to take ownership, to be involved with their body and mind, and to reflect and put the experience and the activities in nature into a wider context.


Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation (SCNI)
Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)