SLU news

Welcome to Northern Europe - A film release crowns the application process

Published: 06 April 2017

The film presents Northern Europe’s landscapes with numerous lakes, forests, cultural traditions and ecosystem services.

High levels meetings

The film is introduced by a view over the beautiful city hall of Stockholm, were a gala dinner will be held if Stockholm is selected to host the IUFRO World Congress 2024. High levels meetings of the Congress will be held in a 300 years old manor back to back to the exclusive congress center of Stockholm.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

The production presents the suggested host, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, with its students, world leading forestry research and exchange programs with developing countries.

The king of the forest

The king of the forest is of course present in the film as well as the owl, representing knowledge and wisdom. Reindeer herding is an important source of income for the Sami people in Northern Europe.

A strong community spirit

The collaboration between the Nordic and Baltic countries is characterized by a strong community spirit and future expectation of an upcoming hosting of the IUFRO world congress. The geographical position of Stockholm makes it swiftly to travel to the neighbouring countries in the region around the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic.

The forestry framework

The forests and landscapes in Northern Europe have gone through a huge restoration process and key success factors have been a strong collaboration between researchers and practitioners as well as a continuous dialogue and well organized education of the farmers. The forestry framework is well organized, including environmental measures, clear markets and a strongly developed forest industry.

The future is our children

The success of innovative research and open dialogues between stakeholders will decide the future of the natural resources for our children to manage. The IUFRO World Congress is a crucial platform for this dialogue based on scientifically based research.

Invitation to Northern Europe

SLU sincerely hope to be selected as the host organization to have the honor to invite delegates from all over the world to Northern Europe for the International Union of Forest Research Organizations World congress 2024!

Video: Welcome to Northern Europe

The film presents Northern Europe’s landscapes with numerous lakes, forests, cultural traditions and ecosystem services.