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Nature and food have a big impact on our health and quality of life. We need to address challenges such as growing crops in sustainable and effective ways with minimal impact. Almost all the food you eat and the clothes you wear are made from raw materials produced through agriculture in Sweden or abroad. Agriculture is essential.



Would you like to address complex issues related to the sustainability of food production? Then this is the right Master’s programme for you.


Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis

Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis

Would you like to study towards a double Master’s degree from two renowned European universities, and specialise in economics and policy analysis? Then this is the right programme for you.

Agricultural Economics and Management

Agricultural Economics and Management

Would you like to work with the economic aspects of agriculture, food production and natural resources? Then this is the right Master’s programme for you.

Women harvesting at tea plantation.

Rural Development and Natural Resource Management

Would you like to make an impact on climate change by learning more about rural development and natural resource issues? Then this is the right Master’s programme for you.

Published: 03 July 2024 - Page editor: study@slu.se