Research Projects

Last changed: 24 April 2023
  • Tropical forest sector development to realize the potential of forests to contribute to climate change mitigation, ecosystem restoration, and sustainable development. 
  • Sow a Seed - Rainforest restoration research on Borneo: Evaluating the potential of native trees and secondary forests to provide multiple ecosystem values.  
  • Trees, Carbon and Water – The transformative power of trees 
  • Drylands Transform. Achieving the SDGs in East African drylands: Pathways and challenges towards a social-ecological transformation 
    of landscapes, livestock and livelihoods 
  • REFOREST: A regional research school to train the future generation of forest scientists in Africa. 
  • The LoCoFoRest training programme: How can we scale up restoration of forest landscapes while securing the prosperity of local communities and maintaining and improving ecosystem services? 
