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Amanda de Castro Segtowich

Amanda De Castro Segtowich


I am currently on the final year of my PhD at the Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre in Alnarp, SLU. I work with silviculture, forest management and ecophysiology.


The overall aim of my PhD project is to create knowledge for improved thinning guidelines and increase our understading, among other topics, on how thinning can be done to better meet the consequences of climate change and extreme weather events e.g. drought, at least in the short-term.

For that, I have four studies that circle around some general topics, including: competition, growth, above-ground biomass allocation, sap flow and resistance to drought.

Study 1 was done based on a long-term experiment in Sweden, and it focused on evaluating different types of thinning (selective or systematic) and thinning strategies (thinning once or more than once) and their impact on tree growth and stand structure.

Studies 2, 3 and 4 are being developed on a new thinning experiment that has been esbilished in 2020, with four treatments: control (unthinned), thinning from above, thinning from below and heavy thinning from below. 

In study 2 we are focusing on understanding the short-term effects of thinning on above-ground biomass allocation, growth and leaf area to sapwood area ratio within 3 years after thinning.

In study 3 we will focus on improving our understanding of thinning effects on individual tree and stand transpiration, and evaluate tree response especially during drier periods.

In study 4 we will work with isotope labelling, specifically Deuterium oxide, D20 (heavy water) to better understand potential thinning effects on root distribution.

During my PhD I have also taken part and presented in conferences, like the IUFRO conference ABIES & PINUS in Sarajevo (2022) and the IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm (2024).


My PhD position is funded based on a collaboration between SLU and Stora Enso.


I have a Bachelor's degree in Forest Engineering from the Federal Rural University of Amazonia (UFRA) and I have a master's degree in Science from the Forest Resources program, with emphasis in Silviculture and Forest Management, from the University of São Paulo (ESALQ-USP). 


Emma Holmström, SLU Alnarp

Saija Huuskonen, LUKE  Finland

Nils Fahlvik, Skogforsk

John Marshall, Gothenburg University

Jose Gutierrez Lopez, SLU Umeå

Selected publications

A. C. Segtowich, S. Huuskonen, N. Fahlvik and E. Holmström. Select or Not? Comparing the Impact of Selective and Schematic Thinning on Scots Pine Tree Growth and Stand Structure. Forests 2023 Vol. 14 Issue 6 Pages 1194.


Master's thesis that I have supervised or co-supervised:

Grabowska, Michalina Maria, 2022. Water mapping in Scots pine stands after thinning. (co-supervision)

Adu, Olamide Michael, 2023. Estimation of Site-Specific Biomass and Leaf Area Index in a Young Scots pine Stand in Southern Sweden. (supervision)

Skurzynski, Daniel, 2024. Understanding growth and taper after thinning in Scots pine. (co-supervision)