CV page

Babatunde (Ola) Dosumu

Babatunde Dosumu




As part of my doctoral education, I jointly teach and coordinate the "Forest Mensuration and Biometry" module within the Bachelors Course: Trees: Structure and Function. Additionally, I have a guest lecture on "Forest Management in Nigeria" for 2nd year bachelor's student here at the department. 


My doctoral study focuses on the silviculture of planted birch (Betula pendula). I am investigating the effect of competition in monoculture and mixed stands of silver birch.  I will also develop new models needed for effective management of planted birch stands, e.g. height development functions, biomass functions, growth functions based on thinning response, etc.

In my former position as field assistant, I collected growth related data on larch species e.g., diameter, height, vegetation and soil characteristics. The inventory covered central to northern Sweden. In southern Sweden, I also measured experiments with birch genetic and thinning trials. All inventories were carried out by a 4-person team. 



I earned a double degree masters in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management (SUFONAMA) from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden. This masters program is part of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree (EMJMD).

My masters thesis focused on the possibility of successfully growing and retaining Norway spruce and birch mixtures in southern Sweden through active management i.e., thinning. This simulation study was conducted using the Heureka decision support system.

My bachelor's degree is in Forestry and Wildlife Management from the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria. I interned with Cross River National Park and Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria in 2014. I was a graduate assistant at the Edo State College of Agriculture, Iguoriakhi in 2016.



Masters Thesis 

Mixed Stand vs Monoculture: a Simulation Study Assessing Growth and Profitability of Norway spruce and Birch in Mixtures and Pure Stands.