Research projects on food wastage

Last changed: 26 March 2020
Food waste

There are many ongoing projects at SLU regarding food waste and how to prevent or reduce this waste of resource in order facilitate a more sustainable food system.

Food waste is produced in every stage in the food supply chain and cause damage to the environment since resources are used in vain when food is not used for the intendent purpuse. To prevent food waste is of highest priority to make the food system more sustainable. Our research is therefore focused on how restaurants, supermarkets and industries can reduce food waste by better match supply and demand, but also how to find better use of surplus food so it does not need to be wasted. An important aspect of our research is to assess the environmental impact that can be avoided through food waste prevention and valorisation actions.

We are also investigating how by-products from agricultural production can be valorised and used in new food products. By using this by-products there is a possibility to produce more food from the same amount of crops since less of the crops is lost.

Viktor Wrange, SLU

Rotten apple


Ongoing projects

  • Redistribution of surplus food – To what benefit? 2019-2021, financed by Formas.
  • Integrated information exchange for increased collaboration between public restaurants for reduced food waste, 2019-2020, financed by Formas
  • AVARE - Adding value in resource effective food systems, 2018-2021, financed by Formas  and Susfood.
  • Enhanced utilization of an industrial side stream for a circular biobased economy – food grading of superior nutritional protein, 2018-2021, financed by Formas.
  • Development of vegan products from broccili side streams, 2018-2021, financed by the Swedish Agricultural Board