SLU news

New newsletter about food producing animals

Published: 10 March 2017

The Committee for Food-Producing Animals at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science is putting out a brand new newsletter on research, focusing on food-producing animals.

The newsletter aims to communicate new research about food-producing animals, primarily from SLU researchers. The news will be presented in Swedish, but there will be links to scientific publications in English.

We will also cover ongoing research at SLU and other interesting issues concering food-producing animals. This newsletter replaces the LEARN newsletter and will be published four times a year. Read the first issue here (in Swedish)

The new Committee for Food-Producing Animals at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science is responsible for the newsletter together with some of the faculty's external collaboration specialists. Please contact us if you have comments on the newsletter.

Margareta Emanuelson, Deputy Dean, responsible for external collaboration and publisher of the newsletter

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Margareta Emanuelson, Senior lecturer
Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, SLU, +46(0)18-67 16 49