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Welcome to AgriFoSe2030

The AgriFoSe2030 programme targets the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 - "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture" in low-income countries. We synthesise and translate existing science into policy and practice, and develop capacity to achieve this.


1. Improving access to safe and nutritious food

This challenge focuses on how households in poor communities can better access safe and nutritious food. It covers aspects of pre- and postharvest food loss, how to prevent food borne diseases and best ways to connect farmers to markets.

Use of groundwater for irrigation in Kandal Province, Cambodia

2. Agricultural productivity and ecosystem functions

The starting point of this challenge is in the dependence on well-functioning ecosystem services as a basis for sustainably increasing agricultural productivity. It looks at the hurdles, potentials and options for smallholders to increase farm productivity with minimal impact on the natural capital.

Beans in bowl

3. Science-based innovation and extension

A science-based extension service is crucial for improving smallholder productivity and profitability in a sustainable way. The focus of this AgriFoSe2030 challenge will be the “linkage problem” in the science – innovation – extension – adoption chain.

Chemist examining a beaker at a crude oil processing lab in Arusha, Tanzania

4. Smallholder agriculture within transforming food systems

Rapid urbanisation and expanding urban food markets provide opportunities for smallholder farmers to engage more with markets. The overall objective of this challenge is to translate science to inform policy and practice for rural-urban dynamics.

Goats Uganda

News and Events

laptop on wooden table

New scientific article on digital extension services

One of the project teams in Challenge 3 recently published a scientific article on barriers and enablers of digital extension services´adoption among smallholder farmers. You find the full article below. 

Barriers and enablers of digital extension services’ adoption among smallholder farmers: the case of Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam


Bottles with milk

Gender-based approaches for improving milk safety, value addition, and marketing among smallholder livestock farmers 

Welcome to read this recently published article on gender-based approaches for improving milk safety, value addition, and marketing among smallholder livestock farmers. The article is based on results from Challenge 1 in AgriFoSe2030. 

Gender-based approaches for improving milk safety, value addition, and marketing among smallholder livestock farmers 


Change stories


AgriFoSe2030 contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture for increased food production on existing agricultural land. Policy briefs, reports, annual reports and scientific articles from the programme are listed here.

Landscape, Africa

Agriculture for food security 2030 - Translating science into policy and practice

The AgriFoSe2030 programme targets the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 - "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture" in low-income countries. We synthesise and translate existing science into policy and practice, and develop capacity to achieve this.

The programme contributes to sustainable intensification of agriculture, increased market access for smallholders and strengthen the role of women and youth.






Published: 05 September 2024 - Page editor: agnes.bondesson@slu.se