
Sara Königson

Sara Königson
Researcher at the Institute of Aquatic Resources.


My main research area is marine mammal and fisheries interactions. I work with fishing gear development for small-scale fisheries with focus on sustainable and seal-safe fishing gear.
This includes developing new fishing gear and trying them out in collaboration with commercial fisheries as well as studying the behavior of marine mammals and fish in relation to fishing gear.


I do supervise masterstudents who are interested in marine mammal interaktions. In 2015 and 2016 I have had 1 candidate student and 2 master students. I am also supervicing a licentiat student doing her licentiat thesis on seal behaviour around trap-nets.

Publikationer i urval

Königson, S., Lövgren, J., Ovegård, M., Ljunghager, F., and Lunneryd S.G. 2015. Seal exclusion devices in cod pots prevent seal bycatch and affect their catchability of cod. Fisheries Research, 167, 114-122

Königson, S., Fredriksson, R., Bergström, Lunneryd, S.G U., and Strömberg, P., 2015. Cod pots in the Baltic. Are they efficient and what affects thei efficiency? ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil, 72, 1545-1554

Königson,S., Fjälling, A., Berglind, M., and Lunneryd, S-G. 2013. Male grey seals specialize in raiding salmon traps. Vol. 148, 117–123


Königson, S., and Lunneryd, S.G. 2013. Development of alternative fishing gear in the Swedish small-scale coastal fisheries. Submitted to: Proceedings to the International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2012


Bryhn, A., Königson, S., Lunneryd, S.G., and Bergenius, M. 2013. Visual stimuli affecting the catch efficiency of floating cod (Gadus morhua) pots in the Baltic Sea. Fisheries Research, 157, 187-192


Lundström, K., Lunneryd, S-G., Königson, S., and Hemmingsson, M. 2011.                                                                   Interactions between harbour seals and coastal fisheries along the Swedish west coast: an overview. Nammco Scientific Publications. Vol. 8, 329-340


Königson, S. 2011. Seals and fisheries, A study of the conflict and some possible solutions, Ph D thesis at the University of Gothenburg.


Ovegård, M., Königson, S.,  Persson, A., and Lunneryd, S-G. 2010. Effects of escape windows on the capture of cod in floating pots. Fisheries Research, 107, 239-244.


Königson, S., Lunneryd, S-G., Stridh, H. and Sundqvist, F. 2009. Grey Seal Predation in Cod Gillnet Fisheries in the Central Baltic Sea. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., Vol. 42


Königson S, Lundström, K., Hemmingsson, M., Lunneryd S.G and Westerberg, H. 2006. Feeding Preferences of Harbour Seals (Phoca vitulina) Specialised in Raiding Fishing Gear. Aquatic Mammals 2006, 32, 2, 152-156


Königson S, Fjälling A and Lunneryd S.G. 2005. Impact of grey seals in the herring gillnet fishery along the Swedish Baltic coast. CM to ICES Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen


Königson S, Fjälling A and Lunneryd S.G. 2007. Grey seal induced catch losses in the herring gillnet fisheries in the Northern Baltic. In. Nammco Scientific Publications Vol. 1, 203-213


Königson S, Hemmingsson M, Lundström K and Lunneryd S.G. 2007. Seals and fyke nets: an investigation of the problem and its possible solution. Marine Biology Research 2007:1


Königson, S. 2007. Seal behaviour around fishing gear and its impact on Swedish fisheries. Licentiat thesis for the Department of Marine Ecology, Göteborg University


Königson S, Fjälling A and Lunneryd S.G. 2002. Reactions in individual fish to strobe light. Field and aquarium experiments performed on whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). Journal of Hydrobiologia Vol. 483, 39-44




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