
Tomas Lämås


My research focuses on methods for forest planning and systems for decision support in a multi-purpose forestry. Until spring 2021 I was the program manager for SLU Forest Sustainability Analysis (SHa). SHa is, among others, responsible for the management and further development of the Heureka system, which is a decision support system developed at SLU intended for analysis and planning of multi-purpose forestry.


I'm principal supervisor for one PhD student, Patrik Ulvdal. His topic concern the influence of data quality on planning and decision processes in forestry.  som arbetar med frågor som rör datakvalitetens inverkan på skogliga planerings- och beslutsprocesser. In addition, I am an co-supervisor for three more doctoral students.

I have previously been principal supervisor for the following doctoral students :

- Lars Sängstuvall, dissertaion 2018: Improved harvesting technology for thinning of small diameter stands. Impact on forest management and national supply of forest biomass.

- Rami Saad, dissertaion2017: The effect of forest information quality on the planning and decision process in forestry,

- Sofia Backéus, dissertaion 2009: Forest management strategies for CO₂ mitigation.

- Karl Duvemo, dissertaion2009: The influence of data uncertainty on planning and decision processes in forest management.

Publikationer i urval

López-Andújar Fustel, T., Eggers, J., Lämås, T., Öhman, K. 2021. Spatial optimization for reducing wind exposure of forest stands at the property level. Forest Ecology and Management 502, 19649.

Bohlin I., Maltamo, M., Hedenås, H., Lämås, T., Dahlgren J., and Mehtätalo, L. 2021. Predicting bilberry and cowberry yields using airborne laser scanning and other auxiliary data combined with national forest inventory field plots. Forest Ecology and Management, 502, 119737.

Wilhelmsson, P., Sjödin, E., Wästlund, A., Wallerman, J.,  Lämås, T. and Öhman, K. 2021. Dynamic treatment units in forest planning using cell proximity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 51: 1065–1071 

Sonesson, J., Ring, E., Högbom, L., Lämås, T., Widenfalk, O., Mohtashami, S., Holmström, H. 2020. Costs and benefits of seven alternatives for riparian forest buffer management. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 36, 2–3, 135–143. 

Versluijs, M., Hekkala, A.-M., Lindberg, E., Lämås, T., and Hjälten, J. 2020. Comparing the effects of even-aged thinning and selective felling on boreal forest birds. Forest Ecology and Management 475. 

Felton, A., Löfroth, T.,  Angelstam, P., Gustafsson, L., Hjältén, J., Felton, A.M., Simonsson, P., Dahlberg, A., Lindbladh, M., Svensson, J., Nilsson, U., Lodin, I., Hedwall, P.O.,  Sténs, A., Lämås, T., Brunet, J., Kalén, C., Kriström, B., Gemmel, P., Ranius, T. 2020. Keeping pace with forestry: Multi-scale conservation efforts in a changing matrix. Ambio 49 1050–1064. 

Eggers, J., Holmgren, S., Nordström, E.-M., Lämås, T., Lind, T., Öhman, K. 2019. Balancing Different Forest Values: Evaluation of Forest Management Scenarios in a Multi-criteria Decision Analysis Framework. Forest Policy and Economics 103:55-69

Eggers, J., Lindhagen, A., Lind, T., Lämås, T., Öhman, K. 2018.  Balancing landscape-level forest management between recreation and wood production. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 33:1-11.

Mair, L., Jönsson, M., Räty, M., Lämås, T. & Snäll, T. 2018. Land use changes could modify future negative effects of climate change on old-growth forest indicator species. Diversity and Distribution DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12771

Roberge, J.-M., Öhman, K., Lämås, T., Felton, A., Ranius, T., Lundmark, T., Nordin, A. 2018. Modified forest rotation lengths: long-term effects on landscape-scale habitat availability for specialized species. Journal of Environmental Management 210:1-9 

Felton, A., Ranius, T., Roberge, J.M., Öhman, K., Lämås, T., Hynynen, J., Juutinen, A., Mönkkönen, M., Nilsson, U., Lundmark, T., & Nordin, A., 2017. Projecting biodiversity and wood production outcomes in future forest landscapes: 15 Key modeling considerations. Journal of Environmental Management 197:404-414

Mair, L., Harrison, P., Jönsson, M., Löbel, S., Nordén, J., Siitonen, J., Lämås, T., Lundström, A., and Snäll, T. 2017. Evaluating citizen science data for forecasting species responses to national forest management. Ecology and Evolution 7:368–378. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2601.

Saad, R., Eyvindson, K., Gong, P., Lämås, T. and Ståhl. G. 2017. Potential of using data assimilation to support forest planning. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47(5), pp. 690-695.

Felton, F., Sonesson. J., Nilsson, U., Lämås, T., Lundmark, T., Nordin, A., Ranius, T. and Roberge, J.M. 2017. Varying rotation lengths in northern production forests: Implications for habitats provided by retention and production trees. AMBIO, 46(3):324-334.

Saad, R., Wallerman, J., Holmgren, J., and Lämås, T. 2016. Local pivotal method sampling design combined with micro stands utilizing airborne laser scanning data in a long term forest management planning setting. Silva Fennica vol. 50 no. 2 article id 1414.

Eggers, J. Holmström, H., Lämås, T., Lind, T., Öhman, K. 2015. Accounting for a diverse forest ownership structure in projections of forest sustainability indicators. Forests 6(11), 4001-4033.

Lämås, T., Sandström, E., Jonzén, J., Olsson, H., and Gustafsson, L. 2015. Tree retention practices in boreal forests: what kind of future landscapes are we creating? Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30 (6):526-537 .

Roberge, J.-M., Lämås, T., Lundmark, T., Ranius, T., Felton, A., and Nordin, A., 2015. Relative contributions of tree retention and set-asides to the long-term availability of key forest biodiversity structures at the landscape scale. Journal of Environmental Management 154, 284-292.

Saad, R., Wallerman, J. & Lämås, T. 2015. Estimating stem diameter distributions from airborne laser scanning data and their effects on long term forest management planning. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 30(2):186-196.

Eggers, J., Lämås, T., Lind, T., Öhman, K. 2014. Factors influencing choice of forest management strategy among small-scale private forest owners in Sweden. Forests 5(7) 1695-1716.

Duvemo, K., Eriksson, L.O., Lämås, T., and Wikström, P. 2014. Introducing cost plus loss analysis into a hierarchical forestry planning environment. Annals of Operations Research 219:415-431.

Pasalodos-Tato, M., Mäkinen, A., Garcia, J., Borges, J., Lämås, T., Eriksson, L.O.  2013. Assessing uncertainty and risk in forest planning and decision support systems: review of classical methods and introduction of new approaches.  Forest Systems 22(2) 282-303.

Wikström, P., Edenius, L., Elfving, B., Eriksson, L.O., Lämås, T., Sonesson, J., Öhman, K., Wallerman, J., Waller, C., Klintebäck, F.  2011. The Heureka forestry decision support system: An overview. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences 3(2): 87-94.

Backéus, S., Wikström, P., and Lämås, T. 2006. Modelling carbon sequestration and timber production in a regional case study.  Silva Fennica 40(4): 615-629

Duvemo, K. and Lämås, T. 2006. The influence of forest data quality on planning processes in forestry. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 21(4): 327 – 339. (Review article)

Öhman, K., and Lämås, T. 2005. Reducing forest fragmentation in long-term forest planning by using the shape index. Forest Ecology and Management 212:346-357
