
Last changed: 03 July 2023

Where possible, data shall be made accessible in a suitable repository. A repository is a way of managing and organising data that includes storage, quality control and making data accessible over time.

Examples of repositories include SND's research data catalogue, Figshare, Zenodo and Dryad.

When making data available, a repository should be chosen that assigns a persistent identifier (PID) to the dataset, making it possible to find, reuse and refer to the material.

SND research data catalogue

As SLU belongs to the SND consortium, researchers and/or those working with environmental monitoring and assessment can use the SND research data catalogue free of charge to make data accessible. Data made accessible via SND are tagged with a type of PID called a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and end up on a storage space administered by SLU. When using the research repository for accessibility, both the metadata and the associated dataset are manually checked by the Data Management Support (DMS) before being made accessible. SND and DMS work together to ensure that data made accessible through the repository are openly accessible and FAIR.

Other repositories

If a funder or journal does not accept the SND research repository as a repository, there are many others to choose from. On, many suitable repositories are listed to choose from.

In environmental monitoring and assessment, there are various technologies for making data available which by definition are not classified as repositories, but the FAIR Principles regarding PIDs, etc., also apply in such cases to the extent possible.

More information

More information at DMS web: Share and publish data.

Support from DMS

Data Management Support (DMS), a unit at the SLU University Library, supports SLU employees in matters concerning the management of data. Contact DMS by e-mail (, book a data date, or read more about data management and the support DMS offers at