Get DOI, ISBN and number in series

Last changed: 04 July 2024

Use the form below to order DOI, ISBN and number in series for publications to be published by SLU. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and ISBN (International Standard Book Number) are examples of persistent identifiers (PIDs). They ensure access to and support the dissemination of publications.

DOI, ISBN and number in series must be found in the publication itself. You must therefore order these before completing, registering and uploading the publication in the publication database.


A DOI can be assigned to all publications published by SLU electronically via SLU's publication database (SLUpub) and where SLU is the publisher. The DOI acts both as a link to the publication and as an identifier for the publication. The DOI gets activated when the publication is published via SLUpub.


An ISBN is mandatory for doctoral and licentiate dissertations. ISBNs should also be assigned to books and can be assigned to reports. If a publication is to be published both in print and electronically, it is assigned two ISBNs.  

Number in series

You shall also order number in series for publications to be published in the following series:

  • Acta Universitatis agriculturae Sueciae (doctoral theses)
  • Landskapsarkitektur, trädgård, växtproduktionsvetenskap : rapportserie (the LTV faculty report series)
  • LTV-fakultetens faktablad (the LTV faculty fact sheet series)
  • Introductory paper at the Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science

Information regarding your order

ISBN for print version:
ISBN for electronic version:
Number in series:

Information regarding the publication

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