Registering student projects

Last changed: 04 March 2024
Two students are working in a laboratory, photo.

Student projects are registered by the department administrator. The student is responsible for formatting the report and the course leader is responsible for sending the approved version of the project to the administrator.

Below is information on how administrators register student projects in Epsilon.

1. Register and log in to Epsilon (administrators only)

Before you can register the student project in Epsilon you need to create an account:

  • Go to the Epsilon. If necessary, change languages by clicking the British flag in the top left corner. Click the link Create Account.
  • Fill in your name and SLU e-mail address. Choose a user name and password. Do not use any special letters such as å, ä, ö, ü etc. Click Register.
  • An automated e-mail with a link will be sent to your e-mail address within minutes. (Sometimes these e-mails will end up in your spam folder).
  • Click the link in the e-mail to activate your password. Your account is ready to use straight away!

2. Choose accepted file

  • It is important that you have the final and approved version of the student project.
  • Check if the student has approved publishing of their student project or not. This approval can be done either by ticking the box in the template or in the way the department decides.
  • The student project must be registered in Epsilon even if the student does not want to publish it – the student project file will then not be made public, but it will be e-archived automatically. Read more under the section Copyright and student projects below.

3. Register the student project in Epsilon 

  • Log in to the Epsilon with the user information you chose when registering.
  • Click the button New Item.
  • Choose the correct publication type and click Next.
  • Upload your document: Click on Browse to find the file you want to upload. The file you upload must be the final version. 
    • The file name should be in the format familyname-firstnameinitial-date. Example: hällgren-å-20230410 for Åsa Hällgren, deposited on the 10th of April 2023. For more than one author write hällgren-å-et-al-20230410.
  • Double-click the file. Most web browsers will upload the file into Epsilon automatically. This may take a few seconds, depending on the size of your file.
  • You have the option to add additional information about the file(s) by clicking Show options. If more than one file is uploaded you may add a description for each one. Click Next when you are done.
  • Fill in the information on the next page. This is where you will mark if the student has approved publishing or not, by ticking the appropriate box, as well as if the student has approved any delayed publication (embargo). Mandatory information is marked by a yellow star. Short help texts are available above each information box. Some boxes will give suggestions when you start typing, such as series title. Click Next when you are done. The system will display a warning if you forgot any mandatory information.
  • On the last page of the form you need to read the copyright notice and then click Deposit Item Now if you are ready. You may wait and deposit the student project later if you wish to go back and check any information, by clicking Save for later. If you choose to save for later, your student project will be saved in your own Epsilon workspace and can be accessed and changed by you until you choose to deposit it.
  • Once deposited, your student project is sent to the Library's work pool, and is only available to the library editors. Your deposition will be checked and more metadata will be added before the student project becomes available online. If you have questions or need to correct something after depositing your student project, please contact the Library.
  • Please note that uploaded files only are replaced in exceptional cases. Errata can be added to them if needed, however.

Copyright and student projects

Approved student projects are published in SLU's electronic publishing tool (Epsilon), as stated in the Education planning and administration handbook.

The student is the copyright owner of her/his work and needs to approve of the publishing. The template for student theses provides the possibility for the student to choose whether the thesis should be published or not. The department can choose to handle the student's approval in a different way than in the template, if desired.

  • If the student approves publication, the thesis full text (the pdf file) and metadata will be accessible and searchable online, for anyone to read and download.
  • If the student does not approve publication, only metadata and abstract will be accessible and searchable.

In either case, the thesis must be deposited in Epsilon so that the full text (pdf-file) can be archived electronically, in accordance with the Swedish Archiving law. 

E-archiving student projects

Student projects published in Epsilon are automatically transfered for e-archiving in SLU:s central archiving system from september 2018 and onwards. Hence, it is not necessary to print them for archiving.

For more information, contact the Archives, Information Governance and Records Unit,

Rules for placing an embargo on a student project

In accordance with new wording in the Education handbook (Utbildningshandboken) only the student can approve publication and any delayed publication (embargo) of their work. The head of department, the dean or the library no longer need to be contacted.

If the supervisor wishes to postpone publication of an independent work, the student must first give their permission. Embargoes should only take place exceptionally and normally not exceed 12 months.

The department administrator indicates in the Epsilon form whether the student has approved publication or not, and whether there is approval for an embargo. The end date for the embargo is also filled in by the administrator. Information about the student’s thesis then becomes visible immediately, but the file itself cannot be opened until the embargo has expired.

If the embargo needs to be extended, please contact