Record filing

Last changed: 19 October 2022

According to the regulations of the National Archives, universities are responsible for filing records of public documents. This responsibility entails, inter alia, that universities take measures to ensure that digital research documents can be presented and remain comprehensible and reliable throughout the time they are to be preserved.

Of course, this presupposes that documents are actually kept for record filing and that this is done in accordance with the applicable regulations. Each department or equivalent unit at SLU has its own responsibility for filing records of research material. Validation of research material vis-a-vis records filing requirements shall be done in consultation with the Archives, Information Management and Registry Unit (AIR) and the departmental registrar. It is the responsibility of researchers/staff performing environmental monitoring and assessment to contact AIR and departmental registrar for validation.

Additional information and support regarding record filing

Regarding issues concerning record filing, please contact the Archives, Information Management and Registry Unit (AIR).