Data Management Support
SLU Data Management Support (DMS) assists SLU employees with data management - from planning, including data management plans, to publishing, long-term preservation, archiving and the reuse of research and environmental assessment data.
Recently published SLU data
SLU data in SND's research data catalogue, curated by DMS. All SLU data in SND's research data catalogue
A global database of soil seed bank richness, density and abundance
A soil seed bank is the collective name for viable seeds that are stored naturally in the soil. This database is the result of a comprehensive literature search, including all seed bank studies from the Web of Science from which data could be extracted, as well as an additional search of the Russian language literature. The database contains information on the species richness, seed density and/or seed abundance in 3096 records from at least 1778 locations across the world’s seven continents...
Data from various stunning attempts for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus)
The study that this data supports aimed to evaluate the stunning effectiveness of various stunning attempts on Nile tilapia by measuring brain activity to assess neurological indicators of conscioussness/unconsciousness. Thus, this data set contains raw data from measurements of brain activity using electroencephalography in Nile tilapia. Data were collected before and after stunning attempts using the following stunning methods: Live chilling, mechanical stunning (percussion), electrical...