Arnis Jurevics
I am a PhD student in Forest Management. My supervisors are Gustaf Egnell and Matthias Peichl.
The main aim of my research project is to assess the long-term sustainability of intense harvest (slash and stump removal) by assessing the impact on a number of ecosystem services provided by our forests:
1. Carbon in soil and tree biomass;
2. Nitrogen in soil and tree biomass;
3. Seedling establishment and tree growth and C accumulation;
4. Berry production.
08.2008 – 12.2010
M.Sc., Euroforester (,
North Carolina State University (USA - 2 semesters), University of Helsinki (Finland - 1 semester), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden - 2 semesters)
EU-US Transatlantic Dual Master's Degree Program in Forest Resources - project within the ATLANTIS program (
08.2002 – 06.2006, Wood Processing, Engineering and material science, Latvia University of Agriculture
Selected publications
Jurevics, A., Egnell, G., Peichl, M., (inpreparation). Effects of harvest intensity on early seedling establishment and stand productivity and growth.
Jurevics, A., Egnell, G., Peichl, M., (inpreparation). Effects of harvest intensity on berry production.