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Alpine/Arctic Landscapes

We gather SLU's competence regarding Alpine/Arctic landscapes and work towards supporting Sweden’s national and international commitments related to the environmental goal ”a magnificent mountain environment" and conservation of Arctic biodiversity.

Willem Goedkoop. Photo.

Alpine/Arctic Landscapes

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch.

Willem Goedkoop, coordinator
willem.goedkoop@slu.se, tel. +46(0)18-673112
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

Status and change of Arctic freshwater biodiversity

Read about the ecological and biodiversity change in Arctic freshwaters in a special issue of Freshwater Biology. Several SLU-researchers have contributed to the issue.

State of the Arctic terrestrial biodiversity?

Climate change is the overwhelming driver of change in terrestrial Arctic ecosystems, causing diverse, unpredictable, and significant impacts that are expected to intensify. Read about the state of the terrestrial Arctic biodiversity in a current report co-edited by among others Mora Aronsson from SLU.

Published: 13 December 2022 - Page editor: fomaredaktionen@slu.se