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Contacts - EMA

Do you want to work with us? Or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch with our coordinators.

Willem Goedkoop. Photo.

Alpine/Arctic Landscapes

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch.

Willem Goedkoop, coordinator
willem.goedkoop@slu.se, tel. +46(0)18-673112
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment.

Inka Bohlin and Anna-Lena Axelsson. Portrait photo.

Forests programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Anna-Lena Axelsson, coordinator (to the right)
anna-lena.axelsson@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)90-786 85 91, +46-(0)70-376 21 71
Department of Forest Resource Management, SLU

Inka Bohlin, assist. coordinator (to the left)
inka.bohlin@slu.se, tel. +46(0)90-786 81 06
Department of Forest Resource Management, SLU

Katarina Kyllmar and Anders Glimskär, coordinator and deputy coordinator respectively. Photo: Jenny Svennås-Gillner and Mark Harris

Agricultural Landscapes programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment?

Katarina Kyllmar, coordinator (to the left)
katarina.kyllmar@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 25 97
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU

Anders Glimskär, assist. coordinator (to the right)
anders.glimskar@slu.se, tel. +46 (0)18-67 22 20, +46 (0)76-821 96 70
Department of Ecology, SLU


Harald Klein

Built Environment programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch

Harald Klein, Coordinator
harald.klein@slu.se, tel. +46 (0)706-25 80 17

Tankesmedjan Movium, SLU

The Unit for Collaboration and Development at the LTV Faculty

Sara Bergek, SLU (to the left) and Brendan Mckie, SLU (to the right). Photo.

Lakes and Watercourses programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch.

Sara Bergek, coordinator (to the left)
sara.bergek@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)10-478 41 14 
Department of Aquatic Resources

Brendan Mckie, assist. coordinator (to the right)
brendan.mckie@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 31 55
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment


Christina Halling and Stefan Larsson. Portrait photo.

Coastal and Sea Areas programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Christina Halling, coordinator (to the left)
christina.halling@slu.se, tel. +46 (0)18-67 12 10
SLU Swedish Species Information Centre

Stefan Larsson, assist. coordinator (to the right)
stefan.larsson@slu.se, tel. +46 (0)10-478 41 81
Department of Aquatic Resources, SLU

Jens Fölster (left), coordinator, SLU. Karin Blombäck (right), Deputy Coordinator, SLU

Eutrophication programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Jens Fölster, coordinator (to the left)
jens.folster@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 31 26
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU

Karin Blombäck, assist. coordinator (to the right)
karin.blomback@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 12 63
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU

Gunnar Carlsson and Anna-Karin Dahlberg. Photo.

A Non-Toxic Environment programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Gunnar Carlsson, coordinator (to the left)
gunnar.carlsson@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 11 45, +46-(0)70-403 29 26
Department of Biomedical Science and Veterinary Public Health

Anna-Karin Dahlberg, assist. coordinator (to the right) anna.karin.dahlberg@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 30 52, +46-(0)72-227 64 42
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment

Örjan Berglund and Sabine Jordan. Portrait pictures.

Climate programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Sabine Jordan, coordinator (to the right)
sabine.jordan@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-67 19 46
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU

Örjan Berglund, assist. coordinator (to the left)
orjan.berglund@slu.se, tel. +46(0)18-67 34 95
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU.

Martyn Futter and Magnus Simonsson. Portrait photo.

Acidification programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch with us.

Magnus Simonsson, coordinator (to the right)
magnus.simonsson@slu.se, tel. +46(0)18-67 12 72, +46(0)73-387 79 55
Department of Soil and Environment, SLU

Martyn Futter, assist. coordinator (to the left)
martyn.futter@slu.se, tel. +46 (0)18-67 31 20
Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment, SLU

Jens Fölster, national coordinator of ICP Waters in Sweden
jens.folster@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-673126

Eddie von Wachenfeldt (to the left) and Per Toräng (to the right). Photo.

Biodiversity programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Get in touch with me!

Eddie von Wachenfeldt, coordinator (to the left)
eddie.vonwachenfeldt@slu.se, tell. +46-(0)18-672241
Department of Aquatic Resources and Swedish Species Information Centre

Per Toräng, assist. coordinator (to the right)
per.torang@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)18-671544
Swedish Species Information Centre

Fredrik Widemo and Tim Hofmeester. Photo.

Wildlife programme

Do you want to get involved with us or do you have questions about our work with environmental monitoring and assessment? Contact us.

Tim Hofmeester, coordinator (to the right)
tim.hofmeester@slu.se, tel. +46(0)70-247 88 42 
Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, SLU.

Fredrik Widemo, assist. coordinator (to the left)
fredrik.widemo@slu.se, tel. +46-(0)76-139 10 40
Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, SLU.

Published: 05 March 2024 - Page editor: fomaredaktion@slu.se