Prof. Dr. Arne Pommerening
I work as Professor in Mathematical Statistics Applied to Forest Sciences at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Umeå. I am a theoretical forest scientist and my research areas include woodland structure analysis and modelling, spatio-temporal dynamics of plant point patterns, individual-based modelling with a focus on plant interactions, plant growth analysis, methods of quantifying and monitoring biodiversity and the analysis of human behaviour of selecting trees. Recently my group and I have also developed a keen interest in the question of how marked point patterns based on mapped plant communities evolve through time. The ontogenesis of such patterns can be studied by using individual-based models, which is an intriguing field of research. Much of my research is in quantitative ecology including computer-based simulation experiments. I have also a strong research interest in silviculture, particularly in continuous cover forestry (CCF). My research is strongly interdisciplinary and international.
Between 2014 and 2018 I ran the Graduate School in Applied Forest Statistics and Scientific Computing (ASSC) at SLU. Since 2020 I am teaching point process statistics as part of the SLU MSc in Forest Ecology and Sustainable Forest Management. I have now also started to teach continuous cover forestry (CCF) at SLU, which I have already taught in the UK and in Switzerland for more than 15 years.
My research is much related to woodland structure analysis and modelling, spatio-temporal dynamics of plant point patterns, individual-based modelling with a focus on plant interactions, plant growth analysis, methods of quantifying and monitoring biodiversity and the analysis of human behaviour of selecting trees. This also includes the question of how marked point patterns based on mapped plant communities evolve through time. Here we employ individual-based models, which are an intriguing field of research. Much of my research is in quantitative ecology and quantitative forest management including computer-based simulation experiments. I have also a strong research interest in silviculture, particularly in continuous cover forestry (CCF). For more details see my personal website on
I am delighted to receive research visitors at all levels from MSc students to senior professors. In my view visiting each other is very important for moving research forward, it is most stimulating and excellent for inspiring a good academic culture. If you have your own travelling and subsistence funding visiting me is straightforward, just let me know when you would like to come. If you need funding for the visit I can try to help with good ideas for a funding proposal. I am also happy to co-supervise and host PhD students from other universities. No fees apply at SLU, all I am asking you is to give a research seminar of 20 to 40 minutes. Short or long visits (sabbaticals) are equally fine by me and it would be great to work on a mutual publication during your visit.
For more details see my personal website. Follow me on Twitter (@ArneTanYrOnnen).
My background is in forest science and I graduated from Göttingen University (Germany) in terms of my BSc, MSc and PhD degrees. I spent my postdoc time at TU Munich (Germany) before securing my first faculty position at Bangor University (Wales, UK). In 2009, I was awarded a habilitation (doctor of science) at BOKU University (Vienna, Austria), a pre-condition for becoming a professor. After a short time in Switzerland I was appointed faculty professor at SLU in 2014.
Selected publications
In October 2019, our new book has been published with lots of details and insights from individual-based research, see the Springer website for more technical details. After repeated nudging and other encouragements from many well-meaning colleagues this is the long-awaited book written by myself and my colleague Pavel Grabarnik. As specialists in ecological modelling and plant-interaction research we have teamed up to provide the latest account of this intriguing and fast-growing research field. For both of us it has been a wonderful time and a truly scientific quest to work on the book manuscript. It was an inspiring experience to organise all ecological and statistical details in a consistent way and as a result a holistic view of individual-based forest ecology and management emerged by itself, which was not so clear to us when we devised the plan to write this book. It is our hope that many readers will join us in the joy of carrying out research in this field and advancing its theories and applications.
I have also published a book on academic mentoring and general research-career and mentoring advice that you find here. Anybody interested in mentoring can contact me.
For details on my research papers see my personal website.
For more details see my personal website.
@ArneTanYrOnnen (Twitter)