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Forest science

Skogsvetenskap är läran om skogen, skogens utnyttjande och skogsråvarans förädling. Skogsvetenskap är således en tillämpad vetenskap med inslag av bland annat botanik, ekologi, geovetenskap, teknik och ekonomi. Här ingår ämnena skogsinventering, skogsplanering, skogsskötsel, skogsproduktion, skogsföryngring, skogshushållning, skogsgenetik, skogsmykologi, skogspatologi, skogsteknologi och skogshistoria.

There are 385 pages tagged with Forest science:

SLU Forest and Health

Within Forest and Health at SLU, we conduct interdisciplinary research, developmental work and collaborate with the surrounding society. We are specialists in the forest environment and collaborate

Excursion IUFRO 2024

The research group SLU Forest and Health, invites you to join a Forest Bathing session during the excursion to Tyresta National Park. (1. Fire dynamics and disturbances in past and present forest

Nordic Nature Health Hub

A meeting place and resource for nature entrepreneurs, researchers, organizations, authorities and everyone interested in the effects of animals and nature on human health.

SLU Maps

Maps developed by SLU using data from our environmental monitoring and assessments. New maps are continuously added.

SLU Skog och Hälsa - tidigare aktiviteter

DRA ÅT SKOGEN - A seminar from SLU, Forest and Health (In Swedish) During the spring of 2021, the SLU Forest and Health research group invited ten inspirational lectures on the web. On each occasion,

25 years of research shows: How to restore damaged rainforest

For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of


Here you will find publications published by the Department of Forest Resource Management. You can find more publications from the department at SLU's publication database, SLUpub.

Environmental monitoring

The environmental monitoring task means that SLU should follow changes in the environment’s condition, evaluate problems, and provide a basis of information for the sustainable use of natural


Research at the department is focused on multilateral cooperation combining expertise from our many research groups. This gives unique possibilities for creating holistic solutions for the

Undergraduate and Master's Studies

Our department provides courses in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Technology (GIT), Forest Inventory, Forest Panning, Forest Mathematical Statistics and Organization and Leadership. You


Our departement conducts bachelor's and master's education within SLU’s Master of forestry program. We also provide PhD courses within our subject areas. The department is also responsible for the

About us

Our vision: We lead in the advancement of knowledge and in the development of effective processes for the sustainable development of natural resources, are the sector's natural choice for
