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Bachelor´s level

There are 28 pages tagged with Bachelor's level:

Undergraduate studies and Master's studies

The department of Soil and Environment offers courses in Soil science, Environmental Science and Biology. Courses in English are mainly within the master's programmes Soil, Water and Environment

Undergraduate and Master's Studies

Our department provides courses in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Technology (GIT), Forest Inventory, Forest Panning, Forest Mathematical Statistics and Organization and Leadership. You


Basic education Our department teach within the programs for Horticultural Science, Horticultural Management, Landscape Engineering, and Agricultural and Rural Management. We teach in subjects

Forest Student Summit

The Forest Student Summit is a full day of excursions, information and networking where students studying forestry at the different SLU campuses are able to meet and get to know each other. The event


Water is essential for all life, economic development, well-functioning ecosystems and human well-being, and is crucial for achieving all the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030. Knowledge


At the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, we provide the Master's programme Conservation and Management of Fish and Wildlife. We also have individual courses at both Master's and

Bachelor's thesis

Are you interested in biodiversity, animal movements or how game and fish can be managed in a sustainable way? We have a wide range of bachelor's theses in the subjects forest science and biology!

Degree- or Independent projects

If you are interested in doing a degree- or independent project at the department of Plant Protection Biology please contact Marie Bengtsson or any of the people responsible for the projects

Undergraduate and Master's Studies

Within Forest Remote Sensing we conduct teaching in geographical information technology (GIT) and remote sensing. We are also responsible for the Ljungberg's Laboratory. Whitin SLU's forestry

Forest and Landscape

Campus Alnarp Campus Alnarp is located in a large park surrounded by agricultural fields close to the sea between Malmö and Lund in southern Sweden. There is so much for students to explore here.

Course search

Here you can search for courses given at Bachelor's and Master's level. SLU also has many freestanding courses that you can apply for in a number of exciting subject areas.