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Press releases

Here we present press releases sent from SLU.

There are 38 pages tagged with Press releases:

“Junk” DNA helps plants to cope with cold stress

A vast amount of DNA contains no genetic information and was long thought to be junk. Recent research has shown that much of this “junk” DNA is in fact activated, but it was not known why.

25 years of research shows: How to restore damaged rainforest

For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of

The SLU Honorary Doctors 2024

This year, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences will be awarding six honorary doctorates. There are two international recipients - Professor Tom Hobbs (US) and Delia Grace Randolph (United

New handbook on mycorrhizae

Symbiosis between plants and mycorrhiza-forming fungi can contribute ecosystem services such as improved plant nutrient supply and increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. New handbook on

Diverse crop rotations can give greater cereal yields in a changing climate

The importance of a good crop rotation is known, but analyses of 32 decade-long cropping experiments across Europe and North America have clarified the benefits. One conclusion is that diversifying

Cow urine scent halted malaria's progress

In a new scientific paper in the journal BMC Medicine, a research team from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) describes how scent from cow urine helped reduce the spread of

Unique landscape experiment for sustainable food production and biodiversity

The Kamprad family's foundation finances a new project at the Swedish University of Agriculture's research facility,Lövsta outside Uppsala. The project focuses on the reintegration of crop production

Skanning efter märkt laxfisk avslöjar skarvens födoval

Bird predation – that is to be consumed by a predatory bird such as Great Cormorant – is a prevailing threat for a young salmonid as it migrates from its nursery habitats in freshwaters to a life in

Multiple benefits in locally managed tropical forest commons

Research published in Nature Climate Change, with sites in 15 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, shows that forests where rural and Indigenous peoples have formal control and substantive

New map of 20th century land use in Britain helps researchers de-mystify biodiversity change

A collaboration led by Northumbria University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has for the first time mapped how land use changed across Britain throughout the last century. The

Loss of plant biodiversity can reduce soil carbon sequestration in grasslands

One third of the global terrestrial carbon stock is stored in grasslands. A new global study implies that this stock may decrease as plant biodiversity is reduced, especially in warm and arid areas.

Aspen trees exposed to repetitive flexing grew faster

The sight of trees swaying in the wind has captivated the imagination of artists and nature enthusiasts. However, for the trees themselves, this continuous mechanical stimulation can be a source of
