Bengt Olsson
I am a retired researcher and associate professor and now work part-time. My current research is focused on the environmental consequences of forest fuel extraction, ash recycling, site preparation and forest fertilization. These actions affect forest ecosystems in many ways, and my particular interest is the effects on carbon balances, nitrogen dynamics, soil acidification and vegetation development.
Ongoing activities:
Site preparation and bioenergy extraction: How are carbon stocks in soil and biomass affected after ten years? The project investigates how the carbon stock in soil and biomass is affected by site preparation and stump harvesting during the young forest phase. The project is based on an inventory of a series of fourteen field experiments located across Sweden. This is supplemented with modeling to further investigate the effect of root and stump extraction on the carbon balance.
Effects of stump harvesting and site preparation on forest regeneration and vegetation. Does stump harvesting affect the survival and growth of new forest seedlings after felling, and what is the effect compared to regular soil preparation? The question is investigated in 14 field experiments located in different parts of Sweden that were established in 2012-2015 with the support of the Energy Agency.
Background: Biology degree with specialisation in plant ecology from the University of Gothenburg. PhD in 1996 at SLU in Ecology and Environmental Sciences.
Publications list: