Betty Ehnvall

High latitude peatlands cover only 3 % of the global land area, yet store up to 30 % of the total soil carbon. In addition to their vital role in the global carbon budget, these ecosystems regulate hydrological and biogeochemical cycles in the boreal landscape. Peatland restoration has gained increased interest during the past years, as it has been proposed as a nature-based climate-solution. The objective of my postdoctoral research is to evaluate the role of landscape settings for the success of peatland restoration from a climate perspective.
Interactive map of the Sävar Rising Coastline mire Chronosequence (SMC)
Ehnvall, B., Nilsson, M., Smeds, J., Liu, T., Bertilsson, S., Bishop, K., Björn, E., Skyllberg, U. & Öquist, M. (2024). Restaurerade våtmarker – punktkällor för metanavgång och kvicksilvermetylering? Naturvårdsverket rapport (978-91-620-7158-5).
Enhvall, B. (2024). Catchment characteristics and their long-term effects on lateral and vertical peat accumulation in boreal and boreonemoral landscapes. A comparison between mire-catchment interactions in the Sävar Rising Coastline Mire Chronosequence in Westrobothnia and the Forsmark area in Uppland. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering (TR-24-04).
Peura, S., Saetre, P., Ehnvall, B., Nilsson, M.B. & Öquist, M. (2024). Plant functional type and peat properties determine elemental transfer in boreal mire vegetation. Heliyon, 10 (20), e38925.
Ehnvall, B., Ratcliffe, J. L., Nilsson, M. B., Öquist, M. G., Sponseller, R. A., & Grabs, T. (2024). Topography and time shape mire morphometry and large‐scale mire distribution patterns in the Northern boreal landscape. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129(2), e2023JF007324.
Ehnvall, B., Ratcliffe, J. L., Bohlin, E., Nilsson, M. B., Öquist, M. G., Sponseller, R. A., & Grabs, T. (2023). Landscape constraints on mire lateral expansion. Quaternary Science Reviews, 302, 107961.
Ehnvall, B., Ågren, A.M., Nilsson, M.B., Ratcliffe, J.L., Noumonvi, K.D., Peichl, M., Lidberg, W., Giesler, R., Mörth, C.-M., Öquist, M.G. (2023). Catchment characteristics control boreal mire nutrient regime and vegetation patterns over ~5000 years of landscape development. Science of the Total Environment 165132
Ehnvall, B. (2023). Catchment controls on mire properties in the post-glacial landscape (doctoral thesis)
2023 PhD in Soil Biology (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå): Catchment controls on mire properties in the post-glacial landscape
2017 MSc in Soil Science (Soil and Water Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala): Organic Matter Properties and Their Relation to Phosphorus and Nitrogen Concentrations in Swedish Agricultural Streams
2015 MSc in Biology (Environmental Biology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki): Acidity caused nitrous oxide reductase inhibition and its impact on nitrous oxide emissions from acid sulfate soils, in Swedish
2013 Exchange studies (University College Cork, Cork)
2013 BSc in Biology (University of Helsinki, Helsinki)