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Sarah Säll

Sarah Säll


My research focus on sustainable food consumtion and how economic policy can help consumers make sustainable choices in the food store. 


I am responsible for Mikroekonomi 1 med matematik (15 hp) given at the Department of Economics. 



Effects of a climate tax on food and ways to re-cycle incomes: A project financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. My work involves estimating potential reductions of GHG emissions from food consumption, and the distributional effects of climate taxes on food.  The project will end late 2020. 

Future projects:

Economic policy instruments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the Swedish food sector: The project is financed by FORMAS and will start late 2020. The project involves quantitative and qualitative analysis of demand and supply of food consumed and produced in Sweden, combined with policy analysis to support a shift towards a more sustainable food sector.  

MISTRA foods future: The project starts in the fall 2020 and my work will be about locating and developing indicators for a sustainable food sector as well as policy analysis. 

Selected publications

Moberg, E., Andersson, M.W., Säll, S., Hansson, P-A., Röös, E. 2019. Determining the climate impact of food for use in a climate tax - design of a consistent and transparent model. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 24

Gren. I-M., Moberg. E., Säll. S., Röös. E. 2019. Design of a climate tax on food consumption: examples of tomatoes and beef in Sweden. Journal of Cleaner Production 211

Jansson, T., Säll, S. 2018 Environmental consumption taxes on animal food products to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from the European Union. Volume 09, Issue 04 

Säll, S. 2018. Environmental food taxes and inequalities: Simulation of a meat tax in Sweden. Food Policy 74: 147-153

Säll, S., Gren, I-M. 2015. Effects of an environmental tax on meat and dairy consumption in Sweden. Food Policy 55: 41-53

Styrmedel för hållbar matkonsumtion – en kunskapsöversikt och vägar framåt. SLU Future Food Reports 13. ISBN: 978-91-576-9767-7


Researcher at the Department of Economics; Agricultural and Food Economics
Telephone: +4618672713
Postal address:
Box 7013
750 07 Uppsala
Visiting address: Ulls hus, Ulls väg 27, 756 51 Ultuna, Uppsala