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Economics is the social science that describes the factors that determine the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services. One of the academic disiplines is national economics, at SLU linked to natural resources.

There are 67 pages tagged with Economics:

Department of Forest Economics

Natural resources in general and especially forests are central to the research, education and cooperation being conducted within the areas of natural resource economics, forest economics, forest


Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) provide food and income in combination with carbon storage and forest conservation. However, the market development of such species must be sustainable and benefit

Dissertation Xiao Hu

Transitioning to A Sustainable Society : essays in Environmental and Urban Economics charlotta.bergstrom@slu.se Xiao Hu defends her thesis "Transitioning to A Sustainable Society : essays in


Decisions involving scarce resources is a common definition of economics. The research area Economics is usually divided into Business Economics and Economics. The research at the Department within

Other activities

Our activities include seminars, workshops and field trips that aim to enrich our students knowledge and promote networking with other researchers, society and industry. We have joint activities with

Research Projects

The Department both run and partake in several larger and smaller, national and international research projects. Below are some of our active projects. KnockOnWood Finished projects POLYFORES Baltic


Within our PhD-courses we offer participating students broad knowledge and insight in the field of sustainable systems of food, energy and biomaterials systems. The courses typically include


Do you need expert help? We offer consulting in statistical questions within the center of statistics. For employees at SLU statistical consultancy is payed centrally and therefore free of charge for

Agricultural Economics and Management

Campus Uppsala Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city, and the hub of SLU’s educational activities. Located just outside of the city centre, SLU’s Uppsala campus is spacious, leafy and picturesque


The Department partake in many different collaboration and networks nationally and internationally. Below we list a few, learn more about them by following the links. Environmental and Resource

New book on sustainable cities and communities

Professor Kes McCormick at the department of People and Society in collaboration with colleagues from Lund University, Manchester University and Utrecht University have edited a new book that reviews

Prefabricering och lagkrav kan snabba på omställning från betong till trä i höghus

Konsumenterna själva ser stora klimatfördelar med att bygga högt i trä så varför utvecklas marknaden så långsamt? Bygga höghus i trä var länge olagligt och det påverkar än idag omställningen till att
