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Department of Biosystems and Technology

There are 219 pages tagged with Department of Biosystems and Technology:

New handbook on mycorrhizae

Symbiosis between plants and mycorrhiza-forming fungi can contribute ecosystem services such as improved plant nutrient supply and increased tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. New handbook on

Dynamic sow - exjob project

Are you interested in pig production and sow welfare and productivity? We are planning for a degree project in the project "Dynamic sow" (see project description for the major research project below)

Food & Cities funding 2024

Two projects conducting cross-disciplinary research activities have been granted funding as part of the Food&Cities seed funding call in 2024. The projects each explore different aspects of the


This project aim to develop a strong research platform for perennial cereal production systems in Scandinavia, Finland and the Baltic, henceforward referred to as the Northern countries. The platform


Eight months in IDA – Where did it take us? futurefood@slu.se During this seminar, the two groups from SLU’s Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) 2023-2024 will present their project outcomes and share

A Resilient and Sustainable Food System

A Resilient and Sustainable Food System markmiljo-webb@slu.se How are we working on sustainable food systems in Sweden? How do we ensure fertile farmland? During Sweden Innovation Days 2024, Jennie

Green2 Feed – Sustainable animal feed and biogas from green leaves

To become a bioeconomy for real – how do we solve issues about sustainable protein feed and renewable energy? In order to increase substantially production of biogas that replaces fossil fuels we


Eating Grass - Is that the tune of the future for sustainable food consumption? Maybe not really, but within our project GreenLeaFood, we aim to extract components, such as proteins, dietary fibers

Removing agricultural residues as feedstock for the growing bioeconomy

The overall aim of this project is to generate a knowledge base on how a large-scale removal of agricultural crop residues can contribute to fulfil the expected biomass demand for food products,

Utveckling av hållbara odlingspluggar för den hortikulturella näringen

Planting pods (odlingsplugg) are used in horticulture and hobby gardening sector for growing leafy vegetables, horticultural crops and flowers. The main objective of this project is to develop

SITES Lönnstorp Research Station

Lönnstorp Research Station is dedicated to studies of cropping systems ecology, with a focus on the design, sustainable development and assessment of arable cropping systems, in conventional and

Sverige nyckelaktör i europeiskt vinprojekt

Climate change, disease and price increases in plant protection are some of the challenges wine producers will face in the future. Researchers now want to equip growers for a warmer and drier climate
