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Department of Forest Ecology and Management

There are 84 pages tagged with Department of Forest Ecology and Management:


The Wallenberg Initiative in Forestry Research (WIFORCE) is a comprehensive basic research initiative at the Faculty of Forest Sciences. We aim to generate knowledge for the future use and

Future Silviculture Research Programme

The aim with this WIFORCE research program is to bridge basic and applied science in forest management. Research on how trees, soil, and landscapes work, is linked to research on sustainable forest

Ph.D. course

A PhD course in the Krycklan catchment September 19-25, 2024. ‘Watershed Ecology and Biogeochemistry’ addresses the foundational concepts and modern challenges within the broad field of watershed

Reading list 2024

Thursday, Sept 19. Fundamentals of watershed science Borman and Likens. (1967). Nutrient Cycling. Science. 155 no. 3761 pp. 424-429 Laudon, H. and Sponseller, RA (2018). How landscape organization

25 years of research shows: How to restore damaged rainforest

For the first time, results from 25 years of work to rehabilitate fire-damaged and heavily logged rainforest are now being presented. The study fills a knowledge gap about the long-term effects of


12th BIOGEOMON International Symposium on Ecosystem Biogeochemistry June 8-12 2026 Umeå, Sweden


“The preliminary program will be posted early in 2025. If you have suggestions for sessions, topics or keynote speakers, please write to the conference at biogeomon2026@slu.se”   tejshree.tiwari@


Since 1987, this conference series has provided a forum to explore place-based ecosystem science grounded on observations from the bio-, hydro-, geo- and atmo- spheres. (That explains the “MON” in

Abstract Submission

“Abstract submission will open in April 2025”   tejshree.tiwari@slu.se large black

Travel and Accommodation

 “Detailed information about conference accommodation will appear in April 2025. But if you would like to learn about getting to Umeå, please check this link:  https://visitumea.se/en/travel     And


 “Registration will open in April  2025”   tejshree.tiwari@slu.se large black

Newly launched Restore4More project seeks to contribute knowledge to guide and scale rangeland restoration in East Africa

The newly launched Restore4More project seeks to contribute knowledge to guide and scale rangeland restoration in East Africa. ”Water and transhumance are often overlooked in restoration research
