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Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology

There are 87 pages tagged with Institutionen för skoglig mykologi och växtpatologi:

Wheat can control a beneficial fungus to obtain better plant protection

For the first time, scientists have shown that a crop, in this case wheat, can control what a beneficial fungus does by sending small RNA molecules into the fungal cells. This means a big step

SLU researchers discussed the future of plant protection in Umeå

To increase cooperation between SLU's researchers in the field of forest damage and plant protection, the SLU Plant Protection Network and the SLU Forest Damage Centre arranged a network meeting in

Samverkansträff för framtidens hållbara skogsskötsel – presentation av forskningsprojekt

Collaboration meeting for the future use and conservation of forests maria.nordstrom@slu.se Eight PhD student projects that will contribute to the future use and conservation of forests will be

Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology

We undertake fundamental and applied research on plant-microbe interactions, mycology, microbial ecology and evolution, as well as biodiversity. Central themes are forest and plant pathology, and

Autumn webinar about forest damage

Autumn webinar about forest damage theres.svensson@slu.se SLU Forest Damage Centre invites you to an autumn webinar on 24 October, where you have the chans to listen to our researchers and learn

IDA 2024-2025

A third round of SLU Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) will run 2024-2025. Starting in November, participants will during the coming eight months spend 20% of their working time exploring

Northern forests’ role in security, stability and sustainability

henrik.j.persson@slu.se This hybrid seminar brings together researchers to discuss from different perspectives how forests and security issues are linked, and to lay foundations for future

Leaves as spore traps for improved forecasting methods

In this project we investigate if wheat leaves can be used to catch and analyse fungal spores. By increasing our knowledge on how diseases spread, we suggest better control strategies. Knowledge of

Collaboration on the future use and conservation of forests - challenges for industry and authorities

Collaboration on the future use and conservation of forests – challenges for companies and authorities maria.nordstrom@slu.se The Research School in Future Silviculture invites you to an open

Tolerant trees and resilient forests - communicating for change

Tolerant trees and resilient forests - communicating for change cajsa.lithell@slu.se How do we move from fact to impact? Welcome to a workshop on popular science communication for kids and

Vahideh Rafiei receives royal award for research on biocontrol of cereal diseases

Vahideh Rafiei has been awarded a prize from King Carl XVI Gustaf's 50-year fund for science, technology and the environment, for her work on biological control of Fusarium species that cause

Comparative genomics of the biocontrol fungus Clonostachys rosea

cajsa.lithell@slu.se Welcome to the seminar "Comparative genomics of the biocontrol fungus Clonostachys rosea" by Magnus Karlsson from the Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology at SLU.
