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Department of Urban and Rural Development

There are 207 pages tagged with Department of Urban and Rural Development:

The Conversation Circle

The Conversation Circle: Facilitators Training for New Conversations futurefood@slu.se The Society for Transformative Conversations invites you to a free training for facilitators, with a focus on

Water Energy Food Webinar

anni.hoffren@sluse The Nordic-Baltic Sustainable Food Systems Network invites you to a webinar on critical water and energy issues in the green transition of Nordic-Baltic food systems. The webinar


The department offers undergraduate courses, at basic and advanced level, in the subjects Environmental science, Landscape architecture and Rural development. We are responsible for the courses in

Pedagogical prize

Linus Rosén, researcher at Division of Rural Development, is one of two recipients of this year's SLU Pedagogical prize. And he did so through "creating a clear course structure, good communication

IDA 2024-2025

A third round of SLU Interdisciplinary Academy (IDA) will run 2024-2025. Starting in November, participants will during the coming eight months spend 20% of their working time exploring

Pilot study and survey on interdisciplinarity

SLU researchers Jasmine Zhang and James Kurén Weldon have funding from SLU Future Food to conduct a survey and pilot study on the institutional conditions for interdisciplinary research at SLU. How

Smell from nature

The purpose of the project is to identify scents from the nature that reduce stress, and implement the results in urban environments. We humans experience our surroundings with all our senses,

dam disaster

The explosion of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine is a humanitarian, economic and ecological disaster. But out of the devastation grows what could be a world-unique natural area. Now scientists tell us

Our Hub Coordinator at Ultuna

SLU Urban Futures' regional hub at Ultuna, located at the Department of Urban and Rural Development, is coordinated by Andrew Gallagher. Andrew is also coordinator of Food & Cities, a collaborative

Crown common or peasants forest

This PhD project investigates the development ownership of forests in early modern Sweden, with a focus on the metal producing districts of Bergslagen in central Sweden. This PhD project investigates

Continuity and Change - Background and consequences of the Swedish enclosure movement c. 1749-1827

The project investigates the background of the Swedish enclosure movement, i.e. the run-up to the implementation of the enclosure movement as well as its actual implementation and consequences at

Palaeoclimate change, the evolution of monsoon dynamics, and societal impacts in Southeast Asia

This project will compile existing palaeoclimate data across Southeast Asia and produce new speleothem-based (stalagmite) records from Thailand to reconstruct the shifting extent, strength and
