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Department of Urban and Rural Development

There are 202 pages tagged with Department of Urban and Rural Development:

Our Hub Coordinator at Ultuna

SLU Urban Futures' regional hub at Ultuna, located at the Department of Urban and Rural Development, is coordinated by Andrew Gallagher. Andrew is also coordinator of Food & Cities, a collaborative

Crown common or peasants forest

This PhD project investigates the development ownership of forests in early modern Sweden, with a focus on the metal producing districts of Bergslagen in central Sweden. This PhD project investigates

Continuity and Change - Background and consequences of the Swedish enclosure movement c. 1749-1827

The project investigates the background of the Swedish enclosure movement, i.e. the run-up to the implementation of the enclosure movement as well as its actual implementation and consequences at

Palaeoclimate change, the evolution of monsoon dynamics, and societal impacts in Southeast Asia

This project will compile existing palaeoclimate data across Southeast Asia and produce new speleothem-based (stalagmite) records from Thailand to reconstruct the shifting extent, strength and

Micro meets Macro

The project studies a local rural context and its members over the agricultural and industrial revolutions using peasant diaries and other sources. It addresses our overall view of societal

History of East and Southeast Asia

This project is investigating the dynamics behind agricultural shifts in East and Southeast Asia from the beginning of agriculture (around 2,500 BCE) to the present. The main focus is on mapping

Surviving Aridification – a Framework for Ancient Resilience (SAFAR)

The SAFAR project aims to develop a quantitative framework to understand the resilience of past communities impacted by a shift to drier climatic conditions (i.e., aridification). A uniform

Comparative perspectives on agriculture and climate (AgriClim)

This research initiative is a collaboration between SLU, Uppsala University, and Stockholm University, bringing together agricultural science, climatology, archaeology and history, to explore the

Who lived where

The project examines Stockholm's economic and social geography at the beginning of the 18th century. The aim is to spatially reconstruct and analyze housing patterns based on social affiliation,

The social economy of the forest

The project maps and analyzes the change in forestry in Småland over a long period of time by compiling information on ownership conditions, afforested land and ditching of forest and bog land, based

Between tradition and the welfare state

My dissertation project focuses on local politics in Sweden between 1863 and 1919. I study local power and decision making in relation to the large changes taking place during a time characterized by

Division of Political Science and Natural Resource Governance

Division of Political Science and Natural Resource Governance was founded in 2023 and consists of the subject Political Science, the unit for environmental integration, and SLU Swedish Biodiversity
