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SLU Urban Futures

There are 250 pages tagged with SLU Urban Futures:

Our Hub Coordinator at Ultuna

SLU Urban Futures' regional hub at Ultuna, located at the Department of Urban and Rural Development, is coordinated by Andrew Gallagher. Andrew is also coordinator of Food & Cities, a collaborative


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SLU Urban Futures

SLU Urban Futures is a strategic platform that develops and strengthens transdisciplinary research, education and collaboration in sustainable urban development.

Umeå Hub

The Umeå Hub, located at the Department of Forest Biomaterials and Technology, is coordinated by Dimitris Athanassiadis.

Alnarp Hub

SLU Urban Futures' hub in Alnarp is located at the Unit for Collaboration and Development.


SLU Urban Futures supports co-creation of new knowledge in urban sustainability research to address complex societal challenges. As part of its capacity-building mission, it initiated and supports

Urban Health Webinar #2: Exploring Urban healthscapes with interdisciplinary experts and new perspectives

Save the date! Urban Health Webinar #2: Exploring Urban healthscapes with interdisciplinary experts and new perspectives futureonehealth@slu.se This webinar continues to explore and work with the

Urban Forestscapes

The forestscape concept recognizes relationships between forests, people and cities. It refers to the diverse social, economic, cultural and environmental processes that shape interconnections


To enrich our understanding of the urban, SLU Urban Futures brings a landscape perspective to its three main thematic research areas; urban food, urban health, and urban forests - introducing Urban

Climate Conversation for SLU employees and students

How can we produce food throughout Sweden in the shadow of climate change? futurefood@slu.se We welcome researchers, other staff and students at SLU to this internal webinar within SLU's series of

listen better for sustainability

Professors Åsa Berggren and Keri Facer work together to develop methods for more democratic communication. The core of their joint project is to improve our ability to truly listen to each other and

Urban Healthscapes

Healthscapes refers to place-based interrelations between humans and planetary health, emphasizing the various conditions shaping human-nature relationships. Healthscape studies aim beyond a focus on
