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Department of Ecology

There are 149 pages tagged with Department of Ecology:

Diversified cropping

The Bommarco lab analyses how diversified farming affects crop yield and ecosystem functions in crop production and cropped landscapes. We assess options for adaptation and mitigation of climate

Bommarco lab

We study insect and plant ecology in agriculture. We explore how farming practices, land use and climate affect biodiversity and ecosystem functions such as crop yield, pest regulation and

Economics, policy and food systems transformation

The Bommarco lab explores how diversified farming affects farm economy, how it can be developed and promoted in food value chains and food systems. We explore how biodiversity and ecosystem services,

Ecological functions in agroecosystems

The Bommarco lab empirically and theoretically explores ecosystem functions in insect-plant-soil food webs in agricultural ecosystems. We apply this to crop production, pest control and pollination.


12th BIOGEOMON International Symposium on Ecosystem Biogeochemistry June 8-12 2026 Umeå, Sweden


“The preliminary program will be posted early in 2025. If you have suggestions for sessions, topics or keynote speakers, please write to the conference at biogeomon2026@slu.se”   tejshree.tiwari@


Since 1987, this conference series has provided a forum to explore place-based ecosystem science grounded on observations from the bio-, hydro-, geo- and atmo- spheres. (That explains the “MON” in

Abstract Submission

“Abstract submission will open in April 2025”   tejshree.tiwari@slu.se large black

Travel and Accommodation

 “Detailed information about conference accommodation will appear in April 2025. But if you would like to learn about getting to Umeå, please check this link:  https://visitumea.se/en/travel     And


 “Registration will open in April  2025”   tejshree.tiwari@slu.se large black

listen better for sustainability

Professors Åsa Berggren and Keri Facer work together to develop methods for more democratic communication. The core of their joint project is to improve our ability to truly listen to each other and

Subarctic species richness and distribution influenced by climate

Even remote, sparsely populated areas are affected by human-induced climate change. In his doctoral thesis, Pablo de la Peña Aguilera investigated what controls the distribution and species
