AgriFoSe2030 contributes to Agri4D conference

Last changed: 20 September 2021
Different vegetables

The conference Agri4D – Food systems for new realities, will be hosted by SLU and SIANI 28-30 September 2021. The conference will emphasise the importance of global food security and food systems, in line with the UN Food System Summit. AgriFoS2030 will contribute with expertise to the conference from several of the researchers leading the AgriFoSe2030 challenges.

Anneli Sundin as co-moderator at Agri4D

We are very happy to announce that Anneli Sundin, Communications Lead in AgriFoSe2030, will be hosting the whole Agri4D conference as a co-moderator together with Matthew Fielding, SIANI (moderator) and Emil Planting, SLU (co-moderator). 

Session 2: Towards improved food and nutrition security from smallholder-inclusive food systems

Session 2 during the first day, Towards improved food and nutrition security from smallholder-inclusive food systems, will be held by Dr. Heather Mackay together with Professor Assem Abu Hatab, Assoc. Professor Sofia Boqvist and Professor Magnus Jirström.

This session focuses on the role off smallholders within inclusive food systems that will enable rural and urban, both producers and consumers to achieve food and nutrition security. The track relates to a number of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, not least SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production, and SDG 2 on how to achieve food and nutrition security, and sustainable agricultural systems. Heather, Assem and Magnus are all leading different AgriFoSe2030 challenges. Sofia is the programme director of AgriFoSe2030. 

We plan to explore and showcase research, interventions and perspectives that indicate how smallholder-inclusive and sustainable food systems can contribute to urban and rural food and nutrition security.

Note! Irish Baguilat, Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) and member of the AgriFoSe2030 Scientific Committee will hold a short presentation during the session.

Session 5: Innovation & innovative approaches

Johanna Wetterlind, Challenge leader in AgriFoSe2030, will be a part of session 5 to discuss innovation.

Technical, social and organisational innovations enable development towards the Agenda 2030 goals. How can innovative approaches optimise environmental resource use in food production, processing and distribution, thereby reducing biodiversity loss, pollution, water use, soil degradation and greenhouse gas emissions? How does research and evidence-based knowledge and innovation contribute to development of food systems, for the benefit of the most vulnerable? What is the role and responsibility of academics vis-à-vis other partners and actors? How can we harness local capacities and skills and create innovation systems?

Other highlights: 

Day 2 - 9.25 CEST: Plenary Keynote 4 – Stephen Muchiri, Eastern African Farmers Federation (member of AgriFoSe2030 steering committee)

