Last changed: 17 June 2020

Christopher Raymond

Other staff involved at the department: Veronica Lo
Partners: University of Göttingen, Vrije University of Amsterdam, University of Edinburgh, University of Oberta de Catalunya, Stockholm Resilience centre, IUCN
Financier: Horizon 2020 ERA-NET COFUND, Formas, Biodiversa
Time period: 2019-2021

ENVISION is a 3-year project funded under the Horizon 2020 ERA-NET COFUND scheme, with additional support from the Belmont Forum. The ENVISION project will result in the development of several communications and policy tools to identify, compare and balance the multiple visions for any given area. ENVISION will also enhance understanding about social and ecological consequences of protected area management with an aim to facilitate reflection on future growth and landscape change.

More info at: https://inclusive-conservation.org/
